Why do data centers need raised floor?

Raised floor systems provide excellent scalability, cooling and adaptability, benefiting data centers by preventing downtime, streamlining management and enabling fast growth.

What is the purpose of raised floor system?

Raised floor systems, also known as access floors, are an elevated structural floor that is stabilized over a solid substrate, typically a concrete slab. A raised floor system creates a gap ideal for running electrical wiring and HVAC ducts.

What is a raised floor called?

Also called raised flooring, access flooring, or low profile flooring, a raised floor is a construction model in which an elevated floor is built above a building’s original concrete slab surface, thereby creating a hidden void between the two floors that is used for the passage of mechanical and electrical services.

What is elevated floor type?

This creates a space for infrastructure such as electrical and mechanical systems. Access points can then be built into the floor that allow for maintenance….Drainage.

Overview: Raised Floor
Type Architectural Elements
Definition An elevated floor structure built on top of a base floor.

What is a raised floor or platform?

A raised or platform floor is an independent floor surface raised above the structural floor surface to create a service void. It is to be distinguished from floating or suspended floors, which perform as part of the structural element as defined by, for example, fire regulations.

How high is a raised floor?

Standard heights are usually 12″ or more, with some floors reaching 6 feet or higher. These floors allow under floor cable management as well as airflow. Standard raised floors are often found in industrial or institutional settings. They are rugged, heavy duty and provide ample space for wires, cables and piping.

What is a negative of using a raised access floor in an existing building?

Disadvantages: It is generally not as effective for rooms that support heterogeneous platforms including large storage appliances, mainframe equipment, and other equipment that is designed to work in a raised floor environment. A major renovation project is typically required to convert an existing room.

How much weight can a raised floor support?

950 pounds – 1250 pounds
RAISED FLOOR LOADING CAPACITY How Much Weight Can a Raised Access Floor Hold? The weight load capacity range for standard raised access flooring ranges from 950 pounds – 1250 pounds.

What is raised access floor system?

A raised access flooring system is an elevated floor that is laid above a sub floor, often a concrete floor slab, in order to leave an open space or void between. Raised floor systems are sometimes referred to as access floors, raised access floors, platform floors, computer floors or suspended flooring.

What is the minimum height and maximum height of the raised floor system?

The raised-floor height should be between 155 mm (6 in.) and 750 mm (30 in.). For processors with multiple channels, a minimum raised-floor height of 305 mm (12 in.) is recommended.

What is a raised foundation?

Raised foundations are built from the ground up. First a footing is poured and then a foundation wall is attached. The foundation wall is topped with a sill plate and rim joists. Exterior walls are then attached.