How do you propose to Cam?

Besides the normal requirements (big bed, year 2 or later, full flowers, all flower events, and Blue Feather), you must have 4 flowers with Howard and Laney to marry Cam. He does not have a reverse proposal so you must propose him yourself.

Which village is better bluebell or konohana?

Bluebell has more shops relating to Animals, and Konohana has more shops relating to growing crops. Also, there are some things you can only have in certain towns. In Bluebell Village, you can have Bee Hives, a Cheese Maker, Yarn Maker, Drink Maker and a Pet Playpen.

How do you marry Dirk in Harvest Moon?

Marriage Requirements His flowers are not colored, and there are extra requirements that need to be completed in order to marry him. The player must fix the tunnel between the towns, go on a date with him 50 times, give him at least 80 gifts with one of them being Cream Croquette (at least once).

Can you marry Reina in story of seasons?

This page is about Reina from Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town….10♥ Episode – ProposalEdit.

Will You Marry Me?
Description The Player gives Reina a blue feather.
Requirements 10♥ or more

What does Reina like in olive town?

Reina (レイナ) is a marriage candidate in Story of Seasons: Pioneers of Olive Town. A young woman who works and lives at the museum. Although Reina is very laid back, she takes her job at the museum seriously and loves to learn everything she can about unknown artifacts.

How do I marry Ivan Grand Bazaar?

In order to marry Ivan, you must befriend Dirk up to 4 hearts before he will accept your proposal. If both Ivan and Dirk are at a red heart, and you have seen all of the brothers’ events, you must get one of their affection points lower in order to propose (depending on which brother you choose).

What does Freya like in Harvest Moon Grand Bazaar?

Freya always imagined that a farm would be hard work, but you seem to be up to the challenge. She likes that you enjoy challenges, and she hopes that she never stops growing and learning new things. With you by her side, she can take on any of life’s challenges!

What does Reina like in SOS Poot?

Reina is a girl who likes to have a good time, partying and dancing until the early morning hours. She’s also a studious museum employee who is enthusiastic about natural history. Reina met museum director Gloria when she was a student and moved to Olive Town to help at Gloria’s museum.

What does Reina love story of seasons?