What is a BulletProof EGR cooler?

Description. Eliminate the common factory EGR cooler issues on your 2004-2007 Ford 6.0L Powerstroke with a Bulletproof Diesel NT-EGRC-1 EGR cooler. This EGR cooler features an improved stainless steel design with an all-welded contruction that is stronger and more resistant to fatigue and heat stress failure.

Can you delete the EGR cooler on a 6.0 Powerstroke?

In some cases, yes. Installing an EGR delete on 2006 and up 6.0L trucks WILL result in the check engine light. In fact, it will set the check engine light on all Ford 6.0L’s with software that has been updated since about 2005. This means that an EGR delete will set the CEL on most 6.0L’s on the road today.

What happens when EGR cooler fails?

But what happens if an EGR cooler fails? EGR cooler failure can compromise the integrity of your vehicle, leading to severe engine damage and possible impairment to other components. It can often go unnoticed for some time too as the symptoms are not always obvious.

What does it mean when a 6.0 is bullet proofed?

The fine folks at BulletProof Diesel define 6.0L Power Stroke as being “bulletproofed” when it has at least four of the five main problem areas addressed. These five areas are: Oil cooler, EGR cooler, head studs, fuel injection control module (FICM), and water pump.

Should I delete my EGR cooler?

Installing an EGR delete kit reduces costs on repairs and fuel costs, as well as decreases soot deposits that an EGR valve produces. Disabling it prevents harmful contaminants from being reintroduced back into the engine, resulting in problems. When the engine’s performance increases, so does the fuel economy.

How long should an EGR cooler last?

about 80,000 miles
The EGR cooler is an integral part of your vehicle that ensures your engine runs efficiently, and that you’re doing your part and not releasing as much noxious exhaust. Typically you can expect to get about 80,000 miles out of the part, but defects and damage may cause its lifespan to be shortened.