Which material is suitable for spintronics devices?

Ferromagnetic metals include Fe, Co, Ni metals, and also their alloys. They are the oldest spintronics materials that were used to construct spin valves and magnetic tunnel junctions. These materials are abundant and cheap, and can be handled easily.

What can spintronics be used for?

Spintronic devices are used in the field of mass-storage devices. It is used to compress massive amounts of data into a small area, as an instance, approximately one trillion bits per square inch (1.5 Gbit/mm²) or roughly 1 TB data can be stored on a single-sided 3.5″ diameter disc.

What is spintronic material?

The integration of magnetic materials and impurities into nanoelectronic devices enables the use of the electron spin, as well as its charge, for carrying information. This new paradigm in information processing devices has been called “spintronics” in analogy to electronics.

What is the future of spintronics?

A novel combination of magnetic and semiconductor materials could lead to optical and electronic devices that are faster and lower-powered. The desire to build smaller, faster, cheaper electronics has prompted a number of researchers to try using the “spin” of an electron in transistors.

Who invented spintronics?

The history of spintronics Spintronics dates to the 1960s and was discovered by a group at IBM headed by Leo Esaki, a Japanese physicist who would later go on to win a share of the Nobel Prize I 1973 for discovering the phenomenon of electronic tunneling.

Is spintronics a quantum computer?

By carefully controlling and manipulating an electron’s spin within a molecule, it turns out we can actually do quantum computations. The preparation and readout of the electron’s spin state on molecules is made by zapping them with electric or magnetic fields.

Why spintronics is better than electronics?

The advantage of spin-based electronics is that they are very nonvolatile compared to charge-based electronics, and quantum-mechanical computing based on spintronics could achieve speeds unheard of with conventional electrical computing.

Why is spintronics important?

Importance of Spintronics Spintronics provides high speed, high power lasers, lower threshold current, high-density logic, low power, electronic memory devices, optoelectronic devices. This technology is an immense source for polarized light that is circular.

What is the meaning of spintronics?

Spintronics (a neologism for “spin transport electronics”), also known as magnetoelectronics, is an emerging technology that exploits the intrinsic spin of the electron and its associated magnetic moment, in addition to its fundamental electronic charge.

Who discovered spintronics?

What is spintronics PDF?

Spintronics also known as magneto electronics,is an emerging technology that exploits both the intrinsic spin of the electron and its associated magnetic moment, in addition to its fundamental electronic charge, in solid-state devices.