What is the cap on Railroad Retirement?

Summary of Earnings Limits 2020 – 2022

Year Under Full Retirement Age Full Retirement Age
Yearly Amount Yearly Amount
2022 $19,560 $51,960
2021 $18,960 $50,520
2020 $18,240 $48,600

What happens to my railroad retirement if I quit?

Voluntary Quit Without Good Cause – If you leave either your railroad job or nonrailroad work voluntarily and the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB) determines you left without good cause, you will be disqualified for railroad unemployment benefits until you return to railroad work and earn wages sufficient to qualify for …

How do I check my railroad retirement benefits?

Call the Railroad Retirement Board at 877-772-5772. Press “1” to select our automated HelpLine services.

At what age can you earn unlimited income on railroad retirement?

FRA extends from age 65 for beneficiaries born before 1938, to age 67 for those born in 1960 and later. If you are under FRA in all of 2021, you can earn up to $18,960 in 2021 with no reduction in your railroad retirement benefits.

Why do railroad workers not get Social Security?

Under Social Security, children of retired or disabled annuitants can also receive benefits. However, the families of workers covered by the Railroad Retirement program do not receive less in benefits than if they were under Social Security, because RRB includes a special minimum guaranty provision.

Can you get both Social Security and railroad retirement?

Answer: Yes, you can apply for and receive both benefits, but the Tier 1 portion of your Railroad Retirement Annuity will be reduced by the amount of your Social Security benefit, so you may not receive more in total benefits.

Can you receive railroad pension and Social Security?

The payment of a railroad retirement annuity can be affected by entitlement to social security benefits, as well as certain other government benefits.