Can you eat or drink before HSG test?

Preparation for a Hysterosalpingogram Procedure You can eat and drink as per usual the day of the test. We recommend you take ibuprofen several hours prior to the test to decrease possible discomfort.

Is HSG test done empty stomach?

The night before the HSG If you are having your hysterosalpingogram under anesthesia, then you should not have anything to eat or drink for 12 hours prior to you procedure. For example, if your hysterosalpingogram is scheduled for 10:00 a.m., you should fast from 10:00 p.m. the night before.

Is HSG x-ray painful?

Mild pain or discomfort is common with an HSG, both during the procedure and afterward. You may feel cramping when your provider inserts the dye solution into your uterus. You may experience more cramping when your tubes are blocked. The cramping may last anywhere from five minutes after your procedure to a few hours.

Do you need a full bladder for HSG?

We recommend that patients take an ibuprofen before their appointment. Come with a full bladder so that you can give a urine sample. The urine sample is tested to ensure you are not pregnant before the procedure. You will lie on your back in the x-ray room, similar to the position for a pelvic examination.

Can I walk after HSG test?

The procedure, including preparation, usually takes about 30 minutes. After HSG, you can immediately return to normal activities, though many doctors recommend refraining from intercourse for a few days.

Do I need to fast before HSG?

Before The HSG No food or liquids for 2 hours prior to the procedure. However, you may take all regular medications as scheduled with small sips of water. Report any allergies to the radiology nurse, especially those to iodine contrast (x-ray dye).

Does HSG feel like labor?

Overall, the procedure is quick, and for some, it’s completely painless. If you do feel pain, in most cases, it’s short-lived and light. Alert your doctor if this isn’t the case, and they will take quick steps to relieve pressure and pain as quickly as possible.

How can I make my HSG less painful?

For effective pain relief during HSG, in addition to 550 mg NSAID, local application of lidocaine cream to the posterior fornix of the cervix uteri and paracervical lidocaine injection into the cervix uteri appear to be the most effective methods.

Can I take a bath after HSG?

It is advised that nothing is put into the vagina (no tampons, intercourse or baths) for at least 24 hours after the HSG to ensure nothing passes through the cervical opening. This will prevent infection. The HSG is considered an outpatient procedure. Bed rest is not required following the test.

Can HSG damage eggs?

The X-rays are not expected to damage the egg because before ovulation the egg is in a state of maturation arrest, which is unlikely to be damaged by X-rays. In addition, the amount of radiation exposure from a single HSG is so small that this dose of radiation is unlikely to adversely affect even a growing fetus.