What is the correct bee space?
What is the correct bee space?
Bees will fill any space less than 1/4 inch with propolis. Therefore, a space between 3/8 inch and 1/4 inch is in a range of acceptable bee space, with 5/16 inch an average that is most acceptable by beekeepers.
How many frames do bees need?
This is always important to pay attention to, but particularly if you harvest honey from your hive. Any honey taken from the hive is honey taken away from the bees, and to get through the winter, your bees need approximately 30-60 pounds of stores (8-9 full frames), less the farther south you live.
What is the frames of bee hive?
A hive frame or honey frame is a structural element in a beehive that holds the honeycomb or brood comb within the hive enclosure or box. The hive frame is a key part of the modern movable-comb hive. It can be removed in order to inspect the bees for disease or to extract the excess honey.
How many frames are in a bee box?
Each super holds 10 frames inside it that the bees build wax onto. Some people use an 8 frame hive box which would require 8 frames per super. For the setup described here, you need 2 Deep Supers with 10 frames each to house the brood chamber.
What is bee space and what is its significance?
The bee space is simply the crawl space that bees need to pass easily between two structures. Three-eighths of an inch is the ideal space. When the space between two surfaces in the hive is the right size (bee space), the bees will respect the space and leave it free as their passageway.
What is bee space definition?
Definition of bee space : a space a little less than ¹/₄inch that provides for the passage of bees in a hive.
How many bees are in a 10 frame hive?
A healthy colony filling 2 10-frame deeps contains around 30,000-60,000 bees.
When should I add more frames to my beehive?
Before adding a super, beekeepers often use a standard rule of thumb, which is known as the 7/10 rule. This rule says that the proper time to add a super to a beehive is when the bees have already covered 7 of the 10 frames in the existing box or boxes.
What do bees frames do?
Beehive frames and foundation create a space where bees build wax comb to store food and raise brood. Rectangular frames hold a wax or plastic sheet of foundation embossed with hexagonal cells serving as a base for drawing straight comb. Frames are movable for inspection, transfer, and honey extraction.
What size are beehive frames?
Bee Hive Frame Sizes and Frame Types Deep frames measure 9-1/8″ tall. Medium frames measure 6-1/4″ tall. Shallow frames measure 5-3/8″ tall. Wood frames come assembled or unassembled.
What is top and bottom bee space?
Top bee space means the passageways between hive bodies have been designated above the frames. Bottom bee space means the passageways between hive bodies have been designated below the frames.
How many MM is a bee space?
Bee space needs to be larger than 4.5mm and less than 9.0mm – no matter what! Honeybees, being creatures of precision, will not tolerate any space outside of this range. If the space between combs gets too close (less than 4.5mm) the bees will close the gap, usually sealing it with propolis.