What companies does Syngenta own?

In 2020, the Syngenta Group was formed, bringing together Syngenta AG, Adama, and the agricultural business of Sinochem under a single entity. Its consists of Syngenta Crop Protection, Syngenta Seeds, Adama, and Syngenta Group China.

Who bought Syngenta?

ChemChina’s US$43 billion acquisition of Syngenta in 2017 remains the largest takeover of a foreign company by a Chinese firm.

Is Syngenta owned by ChemChina?

Syngenta Group, the Swiss agrichemicals giant owned by state-backed China National Chemical Corporation (ChemChina), is going public on the Shanghai Stock Exchange’s Nasdaq-like Star Market in a transaction that could value it at US$60 billion, including debt.

Is Adama owned by Syngenta?

Since joining Syngenta Group in 2020, ADAMA has continued to focus on what it does best: a farmer-centric approach to creating the best and most effective off-patent herbicides, insecticides and fungicides.

What are the 3 biggest seed companies that carry develop GMO seeds?

In 2020, the top four corporations, Bayer (formerly Monsanto), Corteva (formerly DuPont), Syngenta (part of ChemChina), and Limagrain together controlled 50% of the global seed market, with Bayer and Corteva alone claiming roughly 40%.

Is Adama a Chinese company?

In 2017, Adama Agricultural Solutions Ltd. was acquired by Hubei Sanonda Co. Ltd., a Chinese agro-chemical producer and partially owned subsidiary of ChemChina.

Is ADAMA a public company?

ADAMA is the only integrated Global-China crop protection company, as well as the first global one to be publicly traded on the China stock market.

How many employees does ADAMA have?

Our wide and diverse portfolio is developed, manufactured and formulated in four state-of-the art R&D centers and twenty-two manufacturing and formulation facilities around the world. Our more than 9,000 passionate employees are empowered with a culture to listen to farmers and ideate from the field.

Does China own Monsanto?

BEIJING (Reuters) – Bayer’s BAYGn.DE on Tuesday secured conditional approval from China’s commerce ministry for its planned acquisition of the world No. 1 seed company Monsanto MON.

Who owns the most GMO seeds?

Monsanto was the world’s largest seed company and owned over 80% of all the genetically modified (GM, also called genetically engineered) seeds planted around the world. Bayer, the second largest agrochemical company in the world, bought Monsanto for $63 billion. The Canadian government approved this merger in 2018.