How do I find out if someone is in King County jail?

To find out where they are located take the following steps:

  1. Visit the Jail Inmate Lookup Service (JILS).
  2. Search by name or by seeing a list of all people booked within the last 24 hours.

How do I put money on an inmate’s books in Snohomish County Jail?

To put money in an inmate’s account you may do so by phone, internet, through the U.S. mail or directly at the inmate accounts window in the reception area at the jail. For deposits made by phone, internet or mail you will need to know the inmate’s CIN # or global subject number which can be found in the Jail Registry.

What happens to your personal belongings when you go to jail?

What Happens to Your Belongings When You Go to Jail? Well, that’s actually up to you. The state might seize assets that are used as evidence or that they believe is connected to a crime (a controversial process called civil asset forfeiture), but they won’t seize any other property.

How many prisons are in Washington state?

12 prison facilities
The Department of Corrections (DOC) has 12 prison facilities with custody levels ranging from minimum to maximum security: Airway Heights Corrections Center (AHCC) Cedar Creek Corrections Center (CCCC) Clallam Bay Corrections Center (CBCC)

How do I contact an inmate in King County Jail?

King County has an inmate telephone services contract with Securus Technologies. Incoming calls to inmates are not allowed at any of our facilities. An inmate may place an outbound call using the inmate telephone service provided through Securus Technologies. An inmate may place two free phone calls per week.

How do I contact an inmate in Snohomish County jail?

To communicate with an inmate you must have a touch-tone phone that emits a tone when the buttons are depressed. The inmate telephone system is programmed to not allow 3-way calls; this is done to help prevent an inmate from contacting a victim.