What happens in a return to work interview?

As the name suggests, a return to work interview is a meeting held with an employee after a period of absence. The primary purpose of a return to work interview is to welcome the employee back, discuss the reasons for their absence and confirm that they are fit to attend work.

What should a return to work interview include?

What Should Be Covered in a Return-to-Work Interview?

  • Ensure That the Employee Is Fit to Return to Duties. This is the most important step and shows that the employer really cares about the employee’s health and wellbeing.
  • Bring the Employee up to Speed.
  • Check Their Absence Record.
  • Discuss Any Changes That Need to Be Made.

Are return to work interviews a legal requirement?

Return to work interviews are not a legal requirement, but they are highly recommended due to the benefits they bring. It’s still important to keep employment law basics in mind when holding return to work interviews, though.

When should a return to work interview be done?

A return-to-work interview will normally be part of your organisation’s absence management policy. Most companies that use return-to-work interviews conduct them after every absence, on the day the employee returns to work. Interviews are usually conducted by the employee’s line manager.

Can I refuse a return to work interview?

You can refuse to do the back to work interview, but doing so may put you in breach of your employment contract, which could justify the employer in taking disciplinary action against you.

Do you need a doctor’s note for phased return to work?

Who can request a phased return to work? An employee can request a phased return themselves, or as a result of a recommendation by their GP, or the employer’s occupational health practitioner. General Practitioners can recommend a phased return to work on the ‘Fit Note’ they give to patients.

What is the purpose of return to work?

A return to work (RTW) program is a plan established by a business to return injured employees to the workplace as soon as they are medically able. 1 The goal is to enable injured employees to be productive during their recuperation and to maintain a connection to the workplace.

Can an employer refuse phased return to work?

Does the employer have to agree to a phased return to work? The answer to this depends on the reason the employee is making the request. If an employee has a disability, then employers must make reasonable adjustments to help the employee return to work and to help them to do their job.

Who decides phased return to work?

The employer or their HR manager and the employee should agree on a plan for how long this will be for. For example, they could agree to review how things are going after a month and then decide to increase the working hours or duties, or they might decide they need to stay reduced for longer.

What does a gradual return to work look like?

Gradual return allows an employee to slowly increase their stamina, starting with a few days a week or a few hours a day, working up to full time. Sometimes it is impossible to predict the challenges that may come after returning to work.

What is a return to work order?

Filters. A legally binding directive—issued by a court of law, legislature, or other authority—that requires workers who are engaging in a strike or similar labor action to return to work. noun.

What is a return to work assessment?

The assessment is intended to help identify whether there are any features of the role holder’s work that could have led to the development of the work-related stress. Appropriate measures should then be agreed to prevent these from reoccurring.