How do you write a sales rebuttal?

Rebuttal: The best way to deal with blow-offs: do not contradict them. Instead, empathize, relate, and offer a solution. First, empathize with the customer by telling them that you understand how they feel.

How do you rebuttal Not interested?

Sales Rebuttals for Not Interested

  1. They could say “NO” again. If that’s the case, end the call and move on. (
  2. They could say “OK”.
  3. They could say: “I really am busy, but call me at ______” and now you’ve again earned their respect and set an appointment.

How do you respond to now is not a good time?

How to Handle the “Now is Not a Good Time” Objection in 3 Steps

  • “I’ll get back to you at a better time.”
  • “I’ll have to talk to my wife/husband/partner.”
  • “We’ll have to think about it.”
  • “… It’s just not a good time right now.”

How do you rebuttal a call?

The rules of cold calling rebuttals are pretty simple. Don’t let rejections stop you from trying. Instead, turn a rejection to your advantage. Learn the true reason why the prospect isn’t interested and make them doubt that hanging up the phone is a good idea.

What are some good rebuttals?

Sales Rebuttals

  • “Why isn’t this of interest to you at this time?”
  • “We should connect to discuss the benefits for you when budget does open up.”
  • “I’m glad to hear you’re already working with a provider.”
  • “That’s great.
  • “Buying now will ensure a smooth transition as new teammates join.”

What do you say when a customer is not interested?

The best response I’ve found to the “I got your message, I’m not interested” response is to simply reply: “Well, (PROSPECTS NAME) I’m not asking you to make a decision.

How do you respond to objections?

Here are some helpful strategies for overcoming objections.

  1. Practice active listening.
  2. Repeat back what you hear.
  3. Validate your prospect’s concerns.
  4. Ask follow-up questions.
  5. Leverage social proof.
  6. Set a specific date and time to follow up.
  7. Anticipate sales objections.

What is an example of a rebuttal?

Example: Point: “It is the government’s duty to protect people from themselves” Rebuttal: “No, the government has the duty to protect people from outside dangers but people have the right to make their own decisions regarding their own behaviour as long as it doesn’t affect anybody else”

How do you write a strong rebuttal?

5 Effective Tips for Writing a Good Academic Rebuttal Letter

  1. Tip 1: Be Polite and Respectful.
  2. Tip 2: Provide Point-by-Point Replies to All the Referees’ Comments.
  3. Tip 3: Highlighting Changes in Your Manuscript.
  4. Tip 4: Choose the Right Ending.
  5. Tip 5: Becoming a Reviewer.

What is a rebuttal example?

“That argument contradicts one of your other arguments” Rebuttal: “Your partner said drugs would become more expensive, you’re saying they would be come cheaper.