What is the difference between side chick and main chick?

The status that comes with being the main chick raises one’s hopes of one day becoming a Mrs, which in some instances never happens. Then there is the infamous side chick who does not care about her partner’s other relationship. All she cares about are the perks that come with being a side chick.

How does a side chick become a main chick?

  1. Do not be all over him. No man wants a clingy side piece.
  2. Take your time. Take your time and ask yourself if you want to be his main.
  3. Put yourself first. Image: unsplash.com.
  4. Let him miss you.
  5. Don’t be desperate.
  6. Be exciting and adventurous.
  7. Bring out the best in him.
  8. Don’t overestimate your importance.

What is the difference between wife and side chick?

To put it in the simplest terms, the girlfriend/wife is who you have permanence with. She was the one who was with you first and you have no intention of leaving her. The sidechick/mistress is the one who comes along after the wife and catches the man’s attention and affection.

How do you know if your a side chick?

He does not introduce you as his girlfriend: Whenever he wants to introduce you to people, girls in particular, he introduces you with your first name or bestie or something of that sort, just so you don’t spoil his shine with other girls. You might just be the side chick.

Is a side chick a girlfriend?

A side chick is a woman one dates in addition to a girlfriend or wife, usually in secret. When Infidelity ends a relationship, trust people to partially blame a side chick, calling her names like a homewrecker. However, it is essential to note that many women referred to as side chicks don’t even know they are.

Why does it hurt to be a side chick?

Being a side chick is emotionally devastating because you will end up in pain, even if he doesn’t. Most of the time, he will not leave his girl for you. In fact, he won’t even acknowledge you exist to others. Even if he leaves her for you, you’ll still get hurt.

What is a main chick?

The girl who is in a serious relationship with a guy, but that guy is casually dating other people (side chick).

What is a side chick role?

A side chick’s main responsibility is to keep things fun and exciting. Giving him short answers and acting uninterested will make him wish he were doing something else, or even just hanging out with his main partner.

What to do when you find out you are the side chick?

You don’t need that kind of man in your life and here’s what you can do to help yourself move on.

  1. Talk it out. Please, tell him about himself as calmly as possible.
  2. Walk away and never look back. Do not pursue him.
  3. Realize that it’s not your fault.
  4. Find healthy ways to cope.

What is the purpose of a side chick?