How often does indoor residual spraying IRS need to be repeated?

Indoor residual spraying (IRS) is the regular application of chemical insecticides to household walls. The insecticide lasts for at least four months, killing mosquitoes that land on them.

Who approved insecticides?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is responsible under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act for enforcing tolerances established by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for amounts of pesticide residues that may legally remain on food (including animal feed).

WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme Whopes?

The WHO Pesticide Evaluation Scheme (WHOPES) conducts assessments of the safety and efficacy of pesticides used in public health pest management. The WHOPES Working Group advises WHO on these aspects for individual pesticides.

How do you use actellic 300cs?

Recommended dose: -Residual sprays: Add 1 litre of Actellic 300 CS to 20 litres of water and apply 40ml per square metre. -Disinfection of surfaces: Add 500ml in 15-75 litres of water per 500 square metres. Use higher rates on absorbent surfaces but avoid runoff.

How is indoor residual spraying conducted?

What Is Indoor Residual Spraying? As its name implies, IRS involves coating the walls and other surfaces of a house with a residual insecticide. For several months, the insecticide will kill mosquitoes and other insects that come in contact with these surfaces.

Does the FDA approve pesticides?

FDA employs a three-fold strategy to enforce EPA’s tolerances for pesticide chemical residues in human and animal foods. In its regulatory pesticide residue monitoring program, FDA selectively tests a broad range of imported and domestic commodities for approximately 800 pesticide residues.

How do you use actellic?

Apply 1 litre per tonne of grain as it flows to the bulk store. Stored surfaces: Mix 400 ml in 20 litres of water and spray over 100 m² of surface (wet to run-off point). Spray also the ground surrounding the store. Ventilate store before re-entry.

What is Fludora?

Fludora®Fusion is an indoor residual spray which features two unrelated modes of action for a perfect fit in an insecticide resistance management strategy. The combination of the active ingredients clothianidin and deltamethrin results in optimum effectiveness under conditions of insecticide resistance.

How much does indoor residual spraying cost?

The programme average cost per structure sprayed was US$36.28 per year, yielding an average cost per person protected of US$8.26 per year. The latter reduced to US$7.06 per person protected when considering the community-wide protective effect due to the high IRS coverage achieved [33].

What insecticide is used in IRS?

National-level choices of insecticide for IRS Figure 1 shows that all countries relied heavily on organochlorines (DDT) and pyrethroids (alpha-cypermethrin, deltamethrin and lambda-cyhalothrin).