Where are most CPS cases dealt with?

The CPS is responsible for prosecuting most cases heard in the criminal courts in England and Wales. It is led by the Director of Public Prosecutions and acts independently on criminal cases investigated by the police and other agencies.

How can I contact the CPS?

[email protected] (You can also request IDPC for overnight cases by telephoning 020 3357 7000 after 9.30am on the day of the hearing)

Do all cases go to CPS?

The CPS’ job is to prosecute criminal cases investigated by the police. As part of this role they make the decisions about what charges will be put to an accused. The CPS does not investigate crime. Interestingly, nor do they choose which cases to consider.

What is the difference between the CPS and the DPP?

The DPP is the head of the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS), with personal responsibility for its 7,000 staff and approximately 800,000 prosecutions undertaken by it every year.

What is the time limit for CPS to make a decision?

If the matter is a summary only offence, the police must lay the charge within 6 months of the incident. This adds an element of time pressure to make a charging decision within a reasonable time. For more serious offences, such as rape or sexual assault, the decision is taken by the CPS.

Can CPS drop a case?

Evidence against you was illegally obtained If the inadmissible evidence forms a large part of the case against you, the prosecution will not have sufficient evidence to provide a realistic prospect of conviction. As a result, the CPS are likely to drop the charges.

How long do CPS take to reach a decision?

The CPS will usually conclude their review within 30 working days of the request, but in some complex cases, this could take longer. If the victim is not satisfied with the CPS’ review decision, they can lodge an application at court for a judicial review, to challenge the decision.

What does the CPS do in court?

The CPS: decides which cases should be prosecuted; determines the appropriate charges in more serious or complex cases, and advises the police during the early stages of investigations; prepares cases and presents them at court; and.

Can the CPS drop charges?

Getting the CPS to drop charges against you will primarily rely on being able to point out holes in the case against you. If the evidence they present is not strong enough, or can be easily dismissed, it is much more likely that they will choose to offer no evidence or discontinue the charges.

Can magistrates dismiss a case?

If the magistrates agree to this, the case will be dismissed. This is uncommon, but possible – usually only when there are clear inconsistencies in the prosecution evidence.