What does a inlet valve do on compressor?

The air compressor inlet valve regulates the capacity of your rotary screw compressor. The air compressor unloader valve regulates the amount of air that is sucked in by your air compressor. By opening and closing the air intake, the capacity of a rotary screw compressor is regulated.

Which valve is used in air compressor?

The check valve is an important part of any air compressor. The air compressor check valve can be found on almost any compressor out there. Check valves are used for example on reciprocating piston compressors, rotary screw compressor and scroll compressors. On many compressors there is even more than one check valve.

What is an unloader valve on an air compressor?

A compressor unloader valve is a small part, typically measuring approximately 4-5 inches in length and width. It performs the critical function of releasing trapped air inside the tank, enabling the motor to restart. An unloader valve malfunction is one of the more common air compressor issues.

Does an air compressor need an unloader?

Extracting the air by the unloader valve is essential for the compressor motor to start again without any effort.

How does a compressor unloader valve work?

While the air compressor is running, the pilot remains closed until the pressure reaches the unload setting. When that happens, the pilot opens and pressurizes the unloader valve, causing the unloader valve to open and excess air from the compressor to vent to atmosphere.

Do air compressors need a check valve?

Located between the compressor and the air receiver tank or main header, a check valve is designed to prevent air from bleeding out of the tank or header and back into the inlet line when a compressor shuts down. Unloader valves, meanwhile, allow air to bleed out of the compressor line to reduce load on startup.

Why is my air compressor spitting oil?

Expired piston rings — Just as with oil leaks, oily discharge can stem from worn piston rings, which need to be replaced on a periodic basis. Overfilled oil tank — If the compressor has too much oil, some of that excess can seep into the discharge.

What is the difference between a one-way valve and a check valve?

One-way valve is a control type One-way valve, and check valve is a non-control type One-way valve. That is: One-way valve is used to provide pressure, and its main function is to maintain pipeline pressure.