What inner working means?
What inner working means?
Definition of inner workings : the parts (of something) that are only known by the people who work on it He wanted to experience the inner workings of the political campaign.
What is a word for inner turmoil?
post-traumatic stress disorder. PTSD. inner demons. emotional turmoil. mental turmoil.
What’s another way to say inner circle?
In this page you can discover 17 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for inner-circle, like: brains-trust, corps of advisers, coterie, brain-trust, cadre, , in-group, infrastructure, inside, kitchen-cabinet and we-group.
What is another word for inner thought?
introspection Add to list Share. Introspection means “to look inside,” and describes the act of thinking about your own actions or inner thoughts.
What is a word for how something works?
‘Mechanism/s’ work here. Check the second definition at Lexico, with the ‘natural’ option. Chemists speak of ‘reaction mechanisms’, the way the complex reaction (often in organic chemistry) works.
What is a synonym for internal conflict?
A feeling of emotional struggle within oneself about a decision to act. cognitive dissonance. strife. discord.
What does it mean to be inner circle?
Definition of inner circle : a small group of people who lead a government or an organization or who are close to its leader The President has an inner circle of advisers.
What is a synonym for social circle?
A group of people with a shared profession, interests, or acquaintances. acquaintance. circle. company. acquaintanceship.
What is inner thinking?
n. 1. ( Psychology) psychol the continuous flow of ideas, thoughts, and feelings forming the content of an individual’s consciousness.
What is subconscious mind?
1 : existing in the mind but not immediately available to consciousness : affecting thought, feeling, and behavior without entering awareness subconscious motives a subconscious reflex.