How do you get Darnified UI in Oblivion?

Extract or manually place the Darnified UI OMOD file into the Data folder. After you place the Omod into the Data folder, click on it. OBMM should open up and you will see Darnidifed UI in the box on the right. Highlight it and then select Activate.

How do you edit Darnified UI in game?

You can do it ingame in one of the menus. Open up the menu and select the health/magicka bar, then select Darnified settings on the right side. On the left side in the darnifeid settings there is a hud scale setting that adjusts the size of the hud.

How do I change my FOV in Oblivion?

Change FOV by typing in the console “Set CustomFOV to #” (without quotes). FOV range is now 60-120….To restore it, do the following:

  1. quit the game.
  2. open with Notepad the oblivion.ini file (the one in the folder My Documents\My Games\Oblivion)
  3. modify the value fDefaultFOV to 75.
  4. play.

How do I use OBMM?

OBMM-Installation: Once the mod is downloaded, open OBMM, and click ‘Create’ in the bottom of the window. A new window called ‘omod creator’ will appear. Click ‘Add archive’, navigate to the folder where you downloaded the archive, and double click it. (This may take a while, depending on how big the archive is).

How do I make Oblivion windowed fullscreen?


  1. Run OblivionModManager.
  2. Press in Settings button.
  3. In Oblivion Command Line, put the exe name Oblivion_Fullscreen.exe.

How do I install mods with OBMM?

How do you make OMOD?

Create an OMOD

  1. Create a project folder under the OMOD folder that matches the name of your mod.
  2. Move your mod files from the Data folder to your project folder.
  3. Copy any screenshots you have of the mod in action to the OMOD folder.
  4. Start OBMM.
  5. Click Create.
  6. Click Add Folder.
  7. Find and select your project folder and click OK.

What is a Bain INstaller?

I believe it stands for “Bash Automated INstaller”. It’s just another format for Oblivion mod content, I consider it the spiritual successor to OMOD. BAIN mods have their content organized in the same way it exists in the Oblivion install so it’s easy to install, just like OMODs.

How do I install Bain Mod?

First StepsEdit

  1. Click on the Mods tab in Wrye Bash to initialize BAIN.
  2. Put some mods (in compressed archives or folders) in the Bash Installers folder.
  3. Right-click on the Mods tab (Wrye Bash) and choose one of the refresh options to see the newly installed packages.