What are the 3 standardized sobriety tests?

The Standard Field Sobriety Test (SFST) is a battery of 3 tests that include the horizontal gaze nystagmus (HGN), the walk-and-turn, and the one-leg stand tests.

What is the most accurate field sobriety test?

Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus occurs as the eyes move to the side. It is the observation of the eyes for Horizontal Gaze Nystagmus that provides the first and most accurate test in the Standardized Field Sobriety Test battery.

What are the top 5 field sobriety tests?

A Look at the Five Types of Field Sobriety Tests

  • Nystagmus. This is a test that monitors what your eyes are doing.
  • Standing on One Leg. This test is designed to monitor your ability to balance, usually while completing another task.
  • Walk and Turn.
  • Finger to Nose.
  • The Rhomberg Balance Test.

Is touching your nose a field sobriety test?

WHAT IS THE FINGER TO NOSE FIELD SOBRIETY TEST? The finger to nose is a field sobriety exercise that is used by police during a DUI investigation. This test is designed to test the coordination and motor skills of someone police believe may be under the influence.

How do you prove you’re not drunk?

Which alcohol tests can prove abstinence? Hair alcohol testing – Head or pubic hair is recommended for showing abstinence, rather than chest or arm hair. Testing EtG (Ethyl Glucuronide) in hair covers 3 months of abstinence. Blood alcohol testing – Testing for PEth in blood covers 1 week of abstinence.

What are the 6 clues of HGN?

HGN Cues/Clues of Intoxication There are a total of three clues that can be assessed in this test: lack of smooth pursuit, distinct nystagmus at maximum deviation, and the onset of nystagmus prior to 45 degrees. Each eye is scored independently for three clues in each eye giving a total of six indicators/cues.

How accurate is the one-leg stand test?

The one-leg stand is one of the three standardized field sobriety tests established by the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration. When an officer properly administers the one-leg stand test, research has shown the test to be 65% accurate in determining if a driver has a blood alcohol content level above .

How can you tell if someone is sober?

During a field sobriety test, there is no pass or fail. Instead, an officer should observe for clues that may indicate alcohol impairment. There are only three validated tests by the NHTSA which are the horizontal gaze nystagmus test, the walk-and-turn test, and the one-leg-stand test.

What does finger to nose test test for?

Description. The Finger-to-Nose-Test measures smooth, coordinated upper-extremity movement by having the examinee touch the tip of his or her nose with his or her index finger. On one variation of the test, the examiner holds out his or her finger, about an arm’s length from the patient.

What does finger to nose test mean?

Neurology A test of voluntary motor function in which the person being tested is asked to slowly touch his nose with an extended index finger; the FTNT is used to evaluate coordination, and is altered in the face of cerebellar defects.