What is a good app for sight words?

10 Best Sight Words Apps to help your children

  • Reading Eggs. (Android, iPhone, iPad)
  • Sight Words – Learning Games (Pro) (Android)
  • Teach Your Monster to Read. (Android, iPhone, iPad)
  • Pocket Sight Words. (Android, iPhone, iPad)
  • Sight Words Sentence Builder.
  • Sight Words Adventure.
  • Sight Words Learning Games.
  • Sight Word Superhero.

How can I learn sight words at home?

Tape words on the wall or ceiling. Use the flashlight to shine on the word, then have your child read it. Go Fish: With a duplicate set of word cards play “Go Fish.” You can easily make your own cards out of index cards. Stepping Stones: Place the word cards on the floor, making a fun stream going across the room.

How do you teach sight words online?

More videos on YouTube

  1. Step 1: introduce sight words in a fun way. Introduce 3 sight words.
  2. Step 2: practice sight words by signing.
  3. Step 3: practice sight words with emojis.
  4. Step 4: practice sight words with dice.
  5. Step 6: use silly voices.
  6. Step 7: practice sight words with Google Slides Activities.

How do you teach sight words to struggling readers?

5 Tips for teaching sight words

  1. Look for them in books. Draw a child’s attention to a word by looking for it in children’s books.
  2. Hang them around the classroom.
  3. Help children use them.
  4. Re-visit them regularly.
  5. Introduce an online typing course.

How can I help my 5 year old with sight words?

  1. 5 TIPS TO HELP TEACH YOUR CHILD SIGHT WORDS. Inside: Learn sight word tips to help teach your child to read, including sight word game ideas, memorization practices, and setting study limits for young children.
  2. Make it a Game.
  3. Make it into a song.
  4. Put Those Dang Words Everywhere.
  5. Take a Rest.
  6. Give Them Grace.