Who is Jim Gordon?

James Worthington “Jim” Gordon is Commissioner of the Gotham City Police Department and one of Batman’s most trusted allies. Created by Bill Finger and Bob Kane, he first appeared in Detective Comics #27 (May 1939) and served as one of Batman’s first supporting character.

Did Commissioner Gordon know who Batman was in Arkham Knight?

But Gordon proves his loyalty by not saying it outright and allowing Bruce to decide what the future of Batman will be. We see something similar in The Dark Knight Rises. When Blake asks Gordon if he ever wanted to know who Batman really was, Gordon just smiles and says, “I know exactly who he was. He was the Batman.”

Who plays Gordon in the Arkham games?

Jonathan Banks is the voice of Commissioner James Gordon in Batman: Arkham Knight, and Kiyomitsu Mizuuchi is the Japanese voice.

Why did Commissioner Gordon faked his death?

Just before the Joker can shoot the Mayor, Gordon pushes him out of the way and takes the bullet instead, seemingly sacrificing himself. However, Gordon anticipated such an attack and was wearing a bullet proof vest to ensure his family’s safety by faking his death.

Where is Jim Gordon now?

Los Angeles, California, U.S. In 1983, in a psychotic episode associated with undiagnosed schizophrenia, Gordon murdered his mother and was sentenced to 16 years to life in prison. As of 2022, he remains incarcerated at the California Medical Facility.

Does Gordon know Batman is Bruce?

Batman and James Gordon have one of the longest and tightest relationships in all of comic books, working closely together to try and save Gotham. But Commissioner Gordon only knows that Batman is Bruce Wayne in a very few iterations of the franchise.

Who plays Gordon in Arkham Knight?

Jonathan Banks
Interactive Entertainment and DC Entertainment are proud to reveal the voice talent behind some of the most notable characters in Batman: Arkham Knight. Jonathan Banks (Breaking Bad, Better Call Saul) plays Commissioner James Gordon.

Who plays Gordon in Arkham origins?

Michael Gough
Michael Gough voiced one of the TYGER guards in Batman: Arkham City and James Gordon in Batman: Arkham Origins.

Who kills Jim Gordon?

Lastly, in 2020’s Batman Who Laughs, Commissioner Gordon is murdered by Joker with a gruesome acid-filled booby trap.

Is Jim Gordon Black?

In the new movie “The Batman,” he’s a lieutenant in the Gotham Police Department. He’s played by Jeffrey Wright — the first time James Gordon has been Black.