What should I name my magazine?

20 Magazine & Newspaper Name Ideas

  • Attire Talk.
  • Social Synergy.
  • The Inspector.
  • Travelology.
  • Everyday Celebrity.
  • Corporate Crunch.
  • Gamers’ Corner.
  • Daily Zeitgeist.

What is a magazine name called?

Masthead The name given to the overall design concept applied to a magazine, website, or media company.

Are magazine names italicized?

Magazines/Newspapers Italicize the name of the publication. Do not capitalize “magazine” unless it’s part of the publication’s title or masthead. Capitalize the word “the” only if it’s part of the periodical’s title.

Is Vogue a magazine?

Vogue, influential American fashion and lifestyle magazine. It was founded in 1892 as a weekly high-society journal, created by Arthur Baldwin Turnure for New York City’s social elite and covering news of the local social scene, traditions of high society, and social etiquette; it also reviewed books, plays, and music.

What is on a magazine cover?

The main image of the magazine cover is usually a representative illustration of the content within the magazine. It should best reflect what the issue is all about. Big magazines typically portray a well-known celebrity or a visually appealing image that easily triggers an emotion.

What is a magazine masthead?

Definition of masthead 1 : the top of a mast. 2a : the printed matter in a newspaper or periodical that gives the title and details of ownership, advertising rates, and subscription rates. b : the name of a publication (such as a newspaper) displayed on the top of the first page.

Do you put magazine titles in quotes?

Quotation marks are reserved for sections of works, like the titles of chapters, magazine articles, poems, and short stories.

How do you write the name of a magazine in an essay?

Italicize titles of larger works like books, periodicals, databases, and Web sites. Use quotation marks for titles published in larger works like articles, essays, chapters, poems, Web pages, songs, and speeches.

Which is the No 1 magazine in India?

1. India Today English. India today magazine is one of India’s leading news and current affairs magazine for more than a decade now with a total readership of 15.9 million.

Which is the first magazine of India?

In India the first magazines were published by the British. The earliest to appear was the Oriental Magazine; or, Calcutta Amusement (1785–86); it was followed by a number of short-lived missionary publications. The first periodical founded and edited by an Indian was the Hindustan Review, which commenced in 1900.