What are the symbols on air conditioners?

What to Know about the Most Common Air Conditioning Symbols

  • The Power Button. This is what you will use to switch your air conditioner on and off.
  • Cool Mode. The symbol of a snowflake is the universal sign for the cool air mode.
  • Heat Mode.
  • Dry Mode.
  • Fan Mode.
  • Fan Speed.
  • Auto Function.
  • Quiet Mode.

How do I read my Japanese aircon remote?

In kanji, they are labeled 温度 (ondo) which means temperature. Press the up arrow or plus sign to raise the temperature. Press the down arrow or minus sign to lower the temperature. When you press the 運転切換 (unten kirikae) button, the little arrow on the screen will go down and point to a different operation.

What is the cool icon on air conditioner?

snowflake symbol
Any snowflake symbol belongs to the aircon cool mode. This function is one of the most widely used modes in an air conditioner and remains as a popular choice for instant cooling in the unit.

What symbol means heat on air conditioner?

The sun symbol
The sun symbol represents HEAT mode. This is the opposite of the cool mode and is used to heat the room, usually during the cooler winter months. A teardrop or water symbol is used to show the DRY mode. This mode is used to reduce the humidity in the room when the air is warm and very humid.

What is the water droplet symbol on air conditioner?

The symbol means that the air conditioner is running in dry mode to remove the excess water from the air. Cold air should still be coming out of the vents, because the system will continue to cool.

What are the different aircon modes?

Different Modes in Air Conditioner: Cool, Dry, Fan, Turbo, Sleep

  • Cool Mode.
  • Dry Mode.
  • Fan Mode.
  • Sleep Mode.
  • Turbo Mode.
  • Energy Saver Mode. Other Modes.
  • Heat Mode.
  • Automatic Mode.

How do Japanese AC units work?

In Japan, the concept of heating/cooling the only room where the people are has taken root. Usually individual A/C units are installed in each room based on this concept. This means that each room has its own remote controller, so be careful not to mix up or lose these.

How do you use a Japanese air conditioner heater?

Basic Functions

  1. COOLING: Press [冷房 / れいぼう / reibou] for cool air.
  2. WARMING: Press [暖房 / だんぼう / danbou] for warm air.
  3. AUTOMATIC: Press [自動 / じどう / jidou] to have the air conditioner automatically set temperature and fan speed based on room temperature.
  4. CANCEL: Press [取消 / とりけし / torikeshi] to cancel timer or to start over.

How do I set my AC to heat?

Most AC units come with hot and cold control modes. So, if you’re feeling a little chilly at home, you can simply switch on the heat mode (usually the sun symbol button) on the remote controller of your air conditioner, set the thermostat to your ideal temperature and sit back as your indoor unit heats the room.

What does the raindrop mean on air conditioner?

dry mode
The cool mode is usually represented as a snowflake icon on a unit’s remote, and the dry mode as a water drop. It can be activated with a single touch of a button or in many modern systems through home automation and smart devices.

Can I run dry mode all day?

Dry mode will not remove 100% of the moisture in the air. Instead, it will help lower the humidity to a healthy level. However, it’s recommended not to run your AC on dry mode for more than 1-2 hours at a time to avoid drying the air too much.