Can you have a dental X-ray while pregnant?

X-Rays and Dental Work While Pregnant When you visit the dentist for your yearly check-up, they’ll usually give you an x-ray. However, while you’re pregnant, you can skip the x-ray until after you’ve had the baby. That said, if you have an emergency procedure that requires an x-ray, you should still get it done.

What happens if you are exposed to x-ray while pregnant?

Exposure to high-dose radiation two to eight weeks after conception might increase the risk of fetal growth restriction or birth defects. Exposure between weeks 8 and 16 might increase the risk of a learning or intellectual disability.

Are dental xrays safe during first trimester?

Therefore, getting a dental X-ray during pregnancy is entirely safe when performed with the appropriate shields to protect those organs. Even dental x-rays while pregnant during your first trimester “do not involve any risk to the unborn child.”

Do lead aprons protect pregnancy?

What are the risks? The lead apron will protect your unborn child from virtually all of the c-arm radiation exposure so there is no need for extra concern. Lead aprons are made to attenuate the x-ray beam at least 95 to 98%—meaning that, at most, only 2 to 5% of the x rays could even get through the apron.

Can having an X-ray cause a miscarriage?

X-rays of the arms, legs, head, teeth, or chest don’t expose your reproductive organs to the direct X-ray beam. As a result, these procedures don’t pose any risk to your baby.

Can Xrays cause miscarriages?

What Kind of X-Rays Can Affect the Unborn Child? During most x-ray examinations – like those of the arms, legs, head, teeth, or chest – your reproductive organs are not exposed to the direct x-ray beam. So these kinds of procedures, when properly done, do not involve any risk to the unborn child.

What is 10 day rule in radiography?

The “10 day rule” recommended that, in women of child-bearing potential, non-urgent x ray examinations that entailed pelvic irradiation should be restricted to the first 10 days of the menstrual cycle. Its rationale was to avoid irradiating a fetus before the mother realised that she was pregnant.

What dental procedures can you get while pregnant?

Most dental services and procedures, including dental x-rays, tooth extractions, dental fillings, and dental cleanings, can be done during pregnancy safely, with tooth extractions recommended during your second or third trimester. Fillings should be discussed with your dentist beforehand.

Why tooth extraction is contraindicated in pregnancy?

On most occasions, dental practitioners avoid teeth surgeries on pregnant women. This is because it could lead to a lot of pain or give the expecting mother stress, which affects the baby’s health.