What does a red light mean on a Generac generator?

“RED LIGHT” “Panic!” The red light on the side of a Generac unit means that for whatever reason, the unit is NOT going to run during an outage… In your case, it was simply because the unit was off, but regardless, it would not have have run and was trying to signal that.

Which Generac model do I have?

A. The model name of a Generac portable generator is printed on both sides of the generator’s frame (eg. XG8000E, GP6500, EU2000i). The model name is not the model number of your generator.

What does a red and green light mean on a Generac generator?

The green light on your Generac generator implies your unit is functioning properly. The red light means your unit is faulty and will not run as programmed. The yellow light signals maintenance is needed on the unit, but it will continue operating as programmed.

What does a green and yellow light mean on a Generac?

A green light means that your Generac generator is working correctly. A yellow light means that your generator needs maintenance, but is still running as programmed. In some cases, a yellow light can also mean that the battery charger isn’t charging well.

How often should you exercise your Generac generator?

A general rule of thumb is exercising a generator without a power load (aka. with no capacity) between once a week or once a month. The recommended amount of time to exercise your generator is around 30 minutes.

How often should a standby generator be exercised?

As a general rule, a generator should be exercised without a load between once a week and once a month. Testing with a load should be done on a monthly or quarterly basis. Your generator’s exercise cycle may be automated by a timer, which ensures the generator is tested on a regular basis.

How can I tell what year my Generac generator was made?

The date of manufacture is not encoded into the serial number of a Generac Guardian standby generator. They use a simple, sequential numbering system. To find out how old the generator is, look for the serial number on the data plate at the inside wall of the unit and call the company at 888-GENERAC (888-436-3722).