How many calories does 30 minutes on the elliptical burn?

A 30-minute elliptical workout may burn 270–378 calories depending on your body weight (1). Based on body weight, a 30-minute elliptical workout burns around (1): 270 calories for a 125-pound (56.7 kg) person. 324 calories for a 155-pound (70.3 kg) person.

How do I know how many calories I burn on the elliptical?

Calories Burned on an Elliptical

  1. Calories burned during exercise time = time in min x MET x 3.5 x weight in kg / 200.
  2. Calories burned per hour of exercise = 60 x MET x 3.5 x weight in kg / 200.

How long does it take to burn 500 calories on an elliptical?

The average person takes 65-85 minutes to burn 500 calories on an elliptical at resistance setting 5. The time it takes to burn 500 calories will depend your weight and the intensity of the workout. Heavier people doing more intense workouts will burn calories quicker than light people doing less intense workouts.

How many calories burned 1 hour elliptical?

In comparison, according to Health Status, one hour of work on an elliptical will burn 773 calories. At the end of the day, when it comes to elliptical machines vs. treadmills, an elliptical is great for cardio exercises while limiting the impact on your knees, ankles, and joints.

Are the calorie counters on ellipticals accurate?

If you’re trying to lose weight, don’t trust the calorie counters on ellipticals, treadmills, and other exercise machines. Research shows that ellipticals can overestimate the number of calories burned in a 30-minute workout session by more than 100 calories. Other machines may have similarly inflated numbers.

Is elliptical good for weight loss?

Burns body fat Given that the calorie burn associated with an elliptical is higher than that of some other cardio machines like the stationary bike, it can help you lose body fat in a shorter amount of time. This is especially true if you focus on interval work.

Can elliptical burn belly fat?

Elliptical trainer workouts and other exercises. One can lose belly fat by adhering to a strict diet plan and exercise regimen and by making a few lifestyle modifications. Elliptical trainers can help burn calories, reduce belly fat and tone the body.

Is the elliptical better than walking?

But exercising on an elliptical typically burns more calories than walking. A 155-pound person can burn around 335 calories after 30 minutes of working out on the elliptical, according to Harvard Health Publishing. The same person burns only around 149 calories after 30 minutes of walking.