What do you mean by structural dynamics?

Structural dynamics concerns the analysis, by theoretical and/or experimental means, of the interactions of time-dependent loads and/or deformations externally applied to a structure or structural element and the internal stress and displacement response wherein inertial effects must be included in the analysis.

Why is structural dynamics important?

In civil engineering, an understanding of structural dynamics is important in the design and retrofit of structures to with- stand severe dynamic loading from earthquakes, hurricanes, and strong winds, or to identify the occurrence and location of damage within an existing structure.

What is dynamic analysis in structural engineering?

Structural dynamics is a type of structural analysis which covers the behavior of a structure subjected to dynamic (actions having high acceleration) loading. Dynamic loads include people, wind, waves, traffic, earthquakes, and blasts. Any structure can be subjected to dynamic loading.

What is structural mechanics in civil engineering?

Structural mechanics or Mechanics of structures is the computation of deformations, deflections, and internal forces or stresses (stress equivalents) within structures, either for design or for performance evaluation of existing structures. It is one subset of structural analysis.

What is fundamental objective of structural dynamics?

The objective of the course is to understand the behaviour of structure especially building to various dynamic loads: such as wind, earthquake, machine vibration and ambient vibration. PRE-REQUISITES : Basic understanding of structural analysis and knowledge of engineering mathematics.

What is the difference between static and dynamic structural analysis?

A static analysis can only be performed if the system being simulated does not depend on time, and if the loads being applied are constant. In a dynamic analysis, the system itself, the load application, or both might change with time.

Why it is important to study dynamics of rigid bodies?

The purpose of rigid body mechanics courses is to provide engineering students with ability to analyze any problem in a simple and logical manner and to apply to its basic principles which are few and well-understood for solutions. Therefore, it has an important role in engineering education.

How does statics of rigid bodies relate to civil engineering?

Statics are understood as a branch of mechanics that analyze the torques and forces acting upon resting bodies. For engineers, these resting bodies are commonly referred to as rigid bodies (a body upon which there is a constant, never-changing distance between two points, no matter the force applied on it).

What is degree of freedom in structural dynamics?

A degree of freedom is the number of possible movements of a structural system. The degrees of freedom can be used to describe displacements and rotations at a nodal point. Thus, each degree of freedom allows for a displacement or a rotation in a certain direction.

What is damping in structural dynamics?

Damping is a phenomenon that makes any vibrating body/structure to decay in amplitude of motion (Fig-19) gradually by means of energy dissipation through various mechanisms. In other words, gradual transformation of energy within the vibrating system is referred as Damping.