How do you identify hedge parsley?

A good way to ID this is by the few, narrow bracts at the base of the umbel—that along with the stiff, appressed hairs on leaves and stems, and the hooked hairs on the fruits are a unique combination.

What does hedge parsley look like?

The hedge parsley weed grows about 2 feet (61 cm.) tall and has toothed, fern-like leaves and narrow, rounded stems. The stems and leaves are covered with short, white hairs. It produces a cluster of small white flowers.

What is hedge parsley good for?

The seed is anthelmintic, antifungal, antiviral, expectorant and tonic[218, 279]. It is used in Korea in the treatment of amnesia, pruritis, acidosis and scabies[279]. The juice of the root is used in the treatment of indigestion[272].

How do you tell the difference between cow parsley and hogweed?

Hedge parslies tend to be smaller, more delicate and spindly and often shorter than cow parsley. Hogweeds have a bigger leaf, with broader fronds. Giant hogweed sap from all parts of the plant is poisonous. Common hogweed may also pose a threat as the hairs on the stem can cause skin irritation and burns.

Can you eat common hedge parsley?

Edible parts of Upright Hedge Parsley: Leaves – cooked. Root – peeled and eaten raw. Although we have no record of the seed being edible, there is a report that it contains 16 – 21% protein and 10 – 23% fat.

Is hedge parsley the same as cow parsley?

Hedge parslies tend to be smaller, more delicate and spindly and often shorter than cow parsley. Hogweeds have a bigger leaf, with broader fronds. Giant hogweed sap from all parts of the plant is poisonous.

Is parsley an invasive plant?

Tip. Parsley is a biennial that can spread by seed. However, it does not spread aggressively and you can prevent spread by harvesting the herb before it flowers.

Is it illegal to pick cow parsley?

It’s absolutely fine to pick half a dozen stems or so of cow parsley from miles and miles of wayside verge thickly garlanded with them in May (and whose fate is very likely to be mown by the council anyway!), and a large un-mown park might have a million daisies in flower in spring.