What is a management information circular?

Some companies call an information circular a “Management Information Circular,” a “Notice of Annual Meeting of Shareholders and Proxy Statement,” or a “Notice of Special Meeting of Stockholders.”

What is a circular document?

A circular letter is a written document that is addressed for circulation to a group of people. It is usually formal and official. It may be for a closed group or general distribution. The term may refer to: Flyer (pamphlet), a single page leaflet.

What is a circular M&A?

Key Takeaways. A circular merger is one of three common types of mergers, which includes vertical and horizontal. A company may participate in a circular merger to expand its range of products or services. Common distribution, research facilities, and market enlargement are all ways a circular merger benefits a company …

What is management proxy?

WHAT IS PROXY MANAGEMENT? Also known as ‘Temporary Management’ or ‘Interim Management’, Proxy Management is having your business or one of your business units managed by an objective, experienced expert who is not on your staff.

What is the purpose of circular?

A circular is essentially a letter containing some important information that is distributed to a large number of people. Say for example you have to invite an entire department for a meeting, or update the dress policy for the whole office – a circular will be the best mode of communication for these purposes.

Why is it called a circular?

A: A leaflet or newspaper insert is called a “circular” because it was originally intended to circulate—to make the rounds among a circle of people. The noun was born in the early 19th century as an abbreviated form of a much earlier phrase, “circular letter,” according to the Oxford English Dictionary.

Who regulates mergers and acquisitions UK?

UK law on merger control follows European Union law. The competence to deal with issues that only affect the UK market falls under the OFT and Competition Commission’s jurisdiction. These two institutions are influential players in the development of European merger law.

What is a take private bid?

∎ A takeover bid is an offer to acquire voting or equity securities made to persons in a Canadian jurisdiction where the securities subject to the bid plus securities beneficially owned by the bidder and its affiliates and joint actors constitute 20% or more of the outstanding securities (partially diluted) of a class …

What is a DEF 14A?

Also called a “definitive proxy statement,” Form DEF 14A is intended to furnish security holders with adequate information to be able to vote confidently at an upcoming shareholders’ meeting. It’s most commonly used with an annual meeting proxy and filed in advance of a company’s annual meeting.

What are the types of circulars?

There are two types in this regard:

  • A Trade circular letter which carries business-relative information.
  • A Non-trade circular letter which shares personal or social information.

What is a circular definition in logic?

Circular reasoning (Latin: circulus in probando, “circle in proving”; also known as circular logic) is a logical fallacy in which the reasoner begins with what they are trying to end with. The components of a circular argument are often logically valid because if the premises are true, the conclusion must be true.