What does the left inferior frontal gyrus control?

The left inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) is a key region for language comprehension and production. Previous studies point to a preferential involvement of left anterior IFG (aIFG) in lexical and semantic processes, while the posterior IFG (pIFG) has been implicated in supporting syntactic and phonological processes.

What does the frontal gyrus of the brain do?

The superior frontal gyrus (SFG) is thought to contribute to higher cognitive functions and particularly to working memory (WM), although the nature of its involvement remains a matter of debate. To resolve this issue, methodological tools such as lesion studies are needed to complement the functional imaging approach.

What Behaviour is linked to the inferior frontal gyrus?

Verbal aggression was associated with GM volume in left inferior frontal gyrus. Inhibition control and/or formal thought disorders may relate to aggression.

Where is the left middle frontal gyrus?

The middle frontal gyrus is a wide gyrus that lies between the superior and the inferior frontal sulci, rostral to the precentral gyrus.

What is the function of the middle temporal gyrus?

The middle temporal gyrus and inferior temporal gyrus subserve language and semantic memory processing, visual perception, and multimodal sensory integration. Functional deficits in these cognitive processes have been well documented in patients with schizophrenia.

What is medial frontal gyrus?

The medial frontal gyrus is the superior most part of the medial surface of the frontal lobe, which continues onto the superior surface as the superior frontal gyrus. Posteriorly it contains the supplementary motor area.

Where is the inferior frontal gyrus located in the brain?

the frontal lobe
The inferior frontal gyrus makes up the lateral and inferior surface of the frontal lobe and is separated from the middle frontal gyrus above by the inferior frontal sulcus. It contains the frontal operculum (hiding the anterosuperior part of the insular cortex).

What does right middle frontal gyrus do?

The right middle fontal gyrus (MFG) has been proposed to be a site of convergence of the dorsal and ventral attention networks, by serving as a circuit-breaker to interrupt ongoing endogenous attentional processes in the dorsal network and reorient attention to an exogenous stimulus.

What Centre is located in middle frontal gyrus?

The middle frontal gyrus makes up about one-third of the frontal lobe of the human brain. (A gyrus is one of the prominent “bumps” or “ridges” on the surface of the human brain.)…

Middle frontal gyrus
Coronal section through anterior cornua of lateral ventricles.
Part of Frontal lobe
Artery Middle cerebral

What is the left middle temporal gyrus?

Middle temporal gyrus is a gyrus in the brain on the temporal lobe. It is located between the superior temporal gyrus and inferior temporal gyrus. It corresponds largely to Brodmann area 21. Middle temporal gyrus. Lateral surface of left cerebral hemisphere, viewed from the side.

What supplies your inferior frontal lobe?

The superior (upper or suprasylvian) MCA branch gives rise to several arteries that supply much of the lateral and inferior frontal lobe and the anterior lateral parts of the parietal lobe.

What is the middle temporal gyrus responsible for?