Can CPT code 29875 and 29881 be billed together?
Can CPT code 29875 and 29881 be billed together?
Both procedures code 29881 and 29875 were performed on the same anatomically related region (knee); therefore, 29875 cannot be reported with 29881 and the use of modifier 59 is not supported. As a result, reimbursement is not recommended.
Can CPT codes 29881 and 29874 be billed together?
Q: Based on CPT Assistant, CPT code 29874 (knee arthroscopy with removal of loose/foreign body) may be reported with modifier -59 (distinct procedural service) if performed in a separate compartment from procedures 29875-29881.
Can 29877 and 29875 be billed together?
CPT codes 29874, 29875, 29876 or 29877 will not be considered for additional reimbursement when performed on the same date as, or in conjunction with, one of the primary procedure codes listed above even when appended with Modifier 59.
Can you bill 29881 and G0289 together?
Since CPT codes 29880 and 29881 (Surgical knee arthroscopy with meniscectomy including debridement/shaving of articular cartilage of same or separate compartment(s)) include debridement/shaving of articular cartilage of any compartment, HCPCS code G0289 may be reported with CPT codes 29880 or 29881 only if reported for …
Can 29875 be billed alone?
True Blue. Code 29875 should never be billed with other procedures. It’s listed in the CPT book as a “Separate Procedure” meaning that unless performed on its own (basically speaking) it would be bundled.
What is the CPT code 29881?
Right medial meniscectomy and tricompartmental chondroplasty: Under CPT rules, you would report code 29881 (Arthroscopy, knee, surgical; with meniscectomy [medial OR lateral, including any meniscal shaving]) and code 29877-59 (Arthroscopy, knee, surgical; debridement/shaving of articular cartilage [chondroplasty]).
What is the difference between 29880 and 29881?
By definition, 29880 reports meniscectomy in both the medial and lateral compartments, while 29881 defines a meniscectomy in either the medial or lateral compartment.
Can CPT codes 29881 and 29882 be billed together?
I see CMS has an NCCI edit between the two codes, 29881 and 29882. Answer: Yes, you may report both codes and append modifier 59 to indicate the procedures were performed on different anatomic sites. CPT, AAOS, and NCCI consider the compartments of the knee to be distinct anatomic structures.
Does CPT 29881 need a modifier?
Modifier 59 is appended to CPT code 29881 to indicate a distinct separate procedure in a different anatomic location (lateral repair vs medial meniscectomy).
What is included in CPT code 29881?
CPT® Code 29881 in section: Arthroscopy, knee, surgical.
Is CPT 29881 considered experimental?
For example, Aetna’s Clinical Policy Bulletin #0673 changed how ASCs approach meniscectomy cases – procedures billed via CPT codes 29880 and 29881. From Aetna’s perspective, meniscectomies billed without a current injury diagnosis are deemed experimental and investigational (not reimbursable).