How is Andy Hillstrand doing?

Andy Hillstrand decided to leave The Deadliest Catch in 2020. As per a report by Distractify, Andy Hillstrand tried to stay away from the spotlight as soon as he left the show. He settled down somewhere in the Seattle-Tacoma area and owns his company, Hillstrand Construction.

Who is older Jonathan or Andy Hillstrand?

Along with his older-by-one-year brother Johnathan, Hillstrand, 44, is owner and part-time captain of the boat Time Bandit.

Does Andy Hillstrand live in Indiana?

Home is a 17-acre horse ranch in Chandler, Indiana where Andy and his wife, Sabrina, fulfill a dream of spending their days riding and helping others learn to ride.

How many Hillstrand brothers are there?

To recap, the ship’s owners, the Hillstrand brothers — Neal, Johnathan, and Andy — left reality television life behind after Season 13.

Is Edgar Hansen still fishing?

Discovery’s Deadliest Catch fans love watching the seasoned captains and their crew battle the turbulent seas to fish for the coveted King Crabs. One fan-favorite family since the show’s premiere is Sig Hansen and his boat the Northwestern.

How many kids does Andy Hillstrand have?

Andy is known as the more level-headed of the captains and he takes every aspect of being a professional fisherman very seriously. He is a devoted family man who has been married to his wife Sabrina for over 26 years and has two grown daughters, Chelsey and CassAndra.

Did the Hillstrand brothers retire?

However, Captain Hansen had an additional concern: his longtime sea-dwelling partner in arms, the legendary Johnathan Hillstrand, 58, had retired and left the game for good – and Sig, 54, had to get him back for the sake of the entire crabbing industry.

Does Andy Hillstrand still live in Chandler Indiana?

Capt. Andy Hillstrand/the time bandit “I wouldn’t trade my life for nobody else’s life, I’ve pretty much got the best of both worlds I think.” Andy, and wife Sabrina, own hobby horse acres in Chandler and they specialize in natural horsemanship.