How many different types of Trojan condoms are there?

30 varieties
As of today, there are over 30 varieties of Trojans on the market, the most well known being the expertly marketed Trojan Magnum.

What does Enz stand for Trojan?

ENZ. The Trojan ENZ are the most basic kind of condom on the market. They’re right in the average of sizes, they don’t have anything special (unless otherwise noted), no ribs, bumps, bulbed head, or special lube. They’re kind of just your everyday condom, straight-fit, with a reservoir tip and a water-based lube.

Which Trojan condoms are the strongest?

We Tested Popular Condom Brands to See Which One Is the Strongest

  • 1) Trojan: Magnum.
  • 2) Trojan: Regular.
  • 3) ONE: Glow-in-the-Dark.
  • 4) Lifestyles: Vanilla-Flavoured.
  • 5) ONE: Regular.
  • 6) Durex.

What is the difference in Trojan Enz?

Trojan ENZ is lubricated with silky smooth lubricant for comfort and more sensitivity. It comes a bit more pre-lubricated right of the wrapper than other condoms. Trojan ENZ is also available in non-lubricated version.

Do Trojan bare skins break?

Do Trojan BareSkin Condoms Break Easily? All Trojan condoms are electronically tested to ensure they are reliable and durable. They are also crafted from premium quality latex to prevent any rips or tears.

What are blue Trojans?

Meet our classic, trusted condom in the blue wrapper. Or maybe you’ve met before. People have relied on Trojan ENZ™ condoms for years as the standard for safety, pleasure and a snug fit. And these blue Trojans come standard with silky smooth lubricant for comfort and sensation.

Which condoms break easily?

Condoms made from plastic (such as polyurethane condoms) protect against both pregnancy and STIs. Plastic condoms break more often than latex; using a water- or silicone-based lubricant can help prevent breakage.

How big do you have to be to fit in a Magnum?

So how big do you need to be to fit into a large condom? Men’s Fitness revealed that you need to have a length of 8.07 inches, a width of 2.13 inches and a head width of 2.36 inches to get the proper fit into a Trojan Magnum condom.

What size are Trojan Magnums?

Measured at the head, Trojans are 2 inches wide, Magnums are 2.5 inches, and Magnum XL’s are 2.75 inches. Well okay, that’s a difference. But since all the condoms taper to 2 inches at the base, the Magnums have a rather bizarre shape. It’s less a beer can than a very fashionable cocktail shaker of the 1930s.