Where is my Guild Wars 2 API key?

API keys may be created or deleted at https://account.arena.net/applications. During the creation of a key, the player will need to give it a name and a set of permissions. The name is purely for the player’s reference, though any third-party app the key is given to will be able to view the name.

How do I redeem my Guild Wars 1 code?

At the login screen, click the “Create Account or Add Access Key” link. Check the box next to ‘Add the Access Key to an existing Guild Wars account’ and then enter your account name and password. Click Next when you’re done. Now enter the 25-digit serial code into the empty fields.

How do I find my Guild Wars serial code?

If you purchased a physical copy of the game, your serial code is located inside the box. You should find it printed on a paper insert inside the disc case. If you purchased the game directly from buy.guildwars2.com, your serial code was sent to the email address provided during the checkout process.

How can I play Guild Wars for free?

If you don’t want to purchase Guild Wars 2 right away, you can play the entire core version of the game entirely for free. The caveat is that free accounts come with restrictions on certain features that could be used to disrupt the game experience of other users.

How do I get Guild Wars API?

  1. Open the official Guild Wars 2 API Key Management.
  2. Click on the “New Key” button.
  3. Enter a name of your choice and check all permission checkboxes.
  4. Copy your new API key. CTRL + C.
  5. Paste it in the form above. CTRL + V.
  6. Click the “Save new API key” button.
  7. You are set, have fun exploring your account!

How do I activate my gw2 key?

How to Redeem A Guild Wars 2 Code

  1. Sign in to the Account Management page using your ArenaNet account.
  2. Click the REDEEM A CODE button on the ‘Overview’ page.
  3. Enter or copy and paste your code into the Enter Registration Code field.
  4. Hit SUBMIT to redeem the code and add it to your account.

How do I use serial code gw2?

Redeeming a Game Serial Code Click the REDEEM A CODE button on the ‘Overview’ page. Enter or copy and paste your code into the Enter Registration Code field. Hit SUBMIT to redeem the code and add it to your account.

How do I redeem a code on gw2?

Is Guild Wars 1 Free?

Join the millions of players worldwide who have become enraptured by Guild Wars, the award-winning online roleplaying game with no subscription fee required.