What happened to Michael Jackson during the filming of a Pepsi commercial in 1984?

Michael Jackson’s hair briefly caught fire during filming for the Pepsi commercial. “All his hair was gone and there was smoke coming out of his head.” Faye said that Jackson said that he continued dancing because, “I can’t disappoint the audience.” He collapsed and was taken to hospital.

Did Michael Jackson Burn his face in the Pepsi commercial?

However, tragedy struck in 1984 during a $5 million deal with Pepsi to work on a promotional campaign. During the filming of a commercial, Jackson’s hair and face caught fire, leaving him with second and third degree burns. Despite his horrifying experience Jackson did something incredible with his compensation money.

What took place on the set of a Pepsi commercial The Jacksons were filming at the Shrine Auditorium?

Witnesses reported that Jackson’s hair and jacket caught fire when he moved too close to a pyrotechnics display behind him while dancing on a tiered stage at the Shrine Auditorium to his hit single “Billie Jean.”

Where was the Michael Jackson Pepsi commercial filmed?

It didn’t go well: At the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, in front of an audience of 3,000, assembled to create the concert environment, Michael was dancing to his hit “Billie Jean.” During the sixth take for the commercial, he apparently veered too close to a pyrotechnics display, which had gone off a bit too early.

Who is Alfonso married to?

Angela Unkrichm. 2012
Robin Staplerm. 2002–2007
Alfonso Ribeiro/Spouse

What nationality is Alfonso?

AmericanAlfonso Ribeiro / Nationality

How did Alfonso meet his wife?

Alfonso Ribeiro has been together with his wife, Angela Unkrich, for almost a decade. As the story has it, Alfonso and Angela first met at the Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, in 2011. Alfonso made the first move — but Angela wasn’t interested. “I didn’t know who he was at the time,” Angela told Yahoo!