How much are tags in Bedford County TN?

Fees: $29.00 (Standard plate and title fee, new plate only) $2.00 (Handling fee, if renewing by mail)

How much is a marriage license in Bedford County TN?

Fees: $107.50 (Regular fee) $45.00 (Discounted fee with 4 hours pre-marital counseling, notorized form required)

How much does it cost to transfer tags in TN?

Tennessee license plates follow the owner, not the vehicle, and can be transferred to a different vehicle for a $1 fee. Transfers as well as exchanges of specialty and personalized plates for regular passenger plates can be done at your county clerk’s office.

Does Bedford County TN have a wheel tax?

Don’t be mislead. This is only when your expiration date is between July 1, 2022 and June 30, 2023. Also, wheel tax and other fees will still have to be paid. For regular passenger plates in Bedford County you will pay $5.25.

Do you have to pay sales tax on a used car in Tennessee?

When you buy a car in Tennessee, you usually must pay state and local sales tax. The total amount of taxes due depends on where you buy the car and whether or not you have a car to trade in. All new and used vehicle sales at dealerships and between private parties are subject to Tennessee car sales tax.

Can you register a vehicle online in Tennessee?

Some counties in Tennessee offer online registration renewals. To renew online you will need to visit the DOR website and choose your county from the drop down menu. You will be asked to enter your license plate number and you will then need to pay your registration fees.

What is needed to register a vehicle in TN?

To register a vehicle in Tennessee, residents need their title, proof of identity and residency, an odometer disclosure statement (if applicable), and payment for all applicable registration fees. Residents can obtain a temporary operation permit, allowing time to gather their required paperwork.