What does a slit in the eyebrow mean?

The eyebrow slit is a remnant of getting into a fight. If you look back at old gangster movies, you can see where actors would shave off or put splits in their brows to mimic the look of being in a fight. While the trend may have started back in the 80s, it’s still very popular and present in people’s style today.

How do I trim my mustache above my lip?

Start by trimming the hairs closest to your upper lip first. Start with the outside edges and work your way to the center of your lips. Follow the line of your upper lip, making small cuts along the way until you get your desired length. Don’t leave to much spacing between the cuts.

Should mustache cover top lip?

The mustache should partially cover the upper lip, but the hair should not be in your mouth. Use Beard Trimming Scissors to trim longer hairs. Trim the edges of the mustache, so they don’t extend lower than the corners of your mouth. Any lower than that, and you’ll be entering horseshoe mustache territory.

Which eyebrow should I slit?

Usually, people will put 1-3 slits in each eyebrow. Thicker eyebrows will generally look better with more slits, so consider the thickness of your eyebrows when choosing your number. Traditional eyebrow slits are usually made towards the outside of your eyebrows.

How do you trim a philtrum?

From the middle of your philtrum (located just beneath the septum of the nose), part your ‘stache hairs down on either side. Then gently cut a tiny, upside-down ‘V’ into the notch. You’ll be amazed at the added flow and luster bestowed onto your whiskers.

Is a moustache attractive?

Mustaches Equal Maturity For 33.9 percent of women, mustaches make a man look more mature. For 22.3 percent, a mustache makes a guy look masculine and for 26.4 percent it makes them look sexy… as evidenced by Pedro Pascal.