How do you use Aller and venir?

Generally speaking, venir is equivalent to “to come” (the opposite of aller – “to go”): Par exemple… Nous venons de Toulouse.

What is the verb aller?

Aller (to go) is an irregular verb that is used, in particular, to show movement or to say how one feels. aller en. Je vais.

What are the verbs of venir?

The Verb Venir

  • venir = to come.
  • gerund form = viniendo.
  • past participle = venido.

What are the 6 forms of aller in French?

Terms in this set (6)

  • je vais. I go. I am going.
  • tu vas. you go. you are going.
  • il, elle, on va. he, she, one goes. he, she, one is going.
  • nous allons. we go. we are going.
  • vous allez. you go. you are going.
  • ils, elles vont. they go. they are going.

What verb is similar to the verb venir that is also a go verb?

The Spanish “yo-go” verbs

  • decir (to say)
  • hacer (to do/make)
  • poner (to put)
  • salir (to leave/go out)
  • valer (to be worth/cost)
  • tener (to have)
  • venir (to come)
  • caer (to fall)

What is Aller used for?

Go to French Verb. Aller is one of the most common and useful French verbs and has irregular conjugations in most tenses and moods. Aller literally means “to go” and is required to create the near future.

How is Aller used in French?

Uses of ALLER In its most simple sense, it means ‘to go’ and it’s the most commonly used verb of motion in French. It is used in many phrases that relate to your social or routine activities, such as: Je vais au bureau (I go to the office) and Nous allons au cinéma (We’re going to the cinema).

What does the verb venir mean in Spanish?

to come
Conjugating the Irregular Spanish Verb Venir (to come) – dummies.

Is Aller an irregular verb?

Aller is an irregular -er verb and needs the auxiliary verb être in compound tenses.

Is Aller an auxiliary verb?

In addition to auxiliary verbs, French has a number of semi-auxiliary verbs, such as aller, devoir and faire, which are conjugated and followed by an infinitive. They express various nuances of time, mood or aspect. Some semi-auxiliary verbs are equivalent to modal verbs in English and some are verbs of perception.

What is Aller present tense?

The conjugation of “aller” (to go) in the present tense is: je vais. tu vas. il va.