What is the VA disability rating for eyes?

All diseases of the eye are rated under VA Schedule 38 CFR 4.79. Diseases of the eye or eye conditions may be assigned readings from 10% to 60% with the exception of blindness, which may carry a rating of 100% depending on the full circumstances of the Veteran and any related disabilities.

Can you claim vision on VA disability?

Vision problems are rated according to the VA Schedule of Ratings Disabilities under Section 4.97, diagnostic codes 6000 to 6091. Visual impairments for which you can receive disability compensation include: blurry vision. loss of sight.

Are eye floaters a VA disability?

The Veteran’s bilateral vitreous floaters have been rated 10 percent disabling, from April 6, 2010, under 38 C.F.R. § 4.84a, Diagnostic Code 6009 (2008) (i.e., as in effect prior to December 10, 2008).

What regulation covers VA disability?

38 CFR Book C, Schedule for Rating Disabilities – Web Automated Reference Material System.

Is macular degeneration a VA disability?

The dry eye symptomatology is considered a symptom but not a disability in and of itself. However, the macular degeneration is considered a disability that is related to the Veteran’s service. For this reason, service connection is warranted.

Does VA pay for macular degeneration?

If you’re a veteran with vision issues including macular degeneration, you can apply for and receive VA benefits for this condition. Should the VA either deny or under-rate your condition, it’s time to get help and increase your chances of success.

Is astigmatism a VA claim?

The veteran’s only claimed visual impairment during and since service is myopic astigmatism with presbyopia, which, as a refractive error, is not a disability or disease for VA compensation purposes. Service connection is not warranted for myopic astigmatism with presbyopia.

What are VA secondary conditions?

A secondary condition, according to the VA, is any physical or psychological problem that is worsened by a service-related disability. A secondary condition could have been something a veteran suffered from before they entered the military that was worsened by a service-related injury.

Does surgery increase VA disability rating?

Recovery time from either a surgery or the immobilization of a joint by a cast without surgery requires a temporary 100% disability rating for a service-connected disability. The temporary 100% rating may continue for 1 to 3 months—depending on your unique case.

Is blepharitis a VA disability?

The Veteran’s blepharitis is currently assigned a 10 percent disability rating under 38 C.F.R. § 4.84a, Diagnostic Code 6099-6018 (2008).

Does Agent Orange cause macular degeneration?

The claim for service connection for macular degeneration, including especially as due to exposure to Agent Orange in Vietnam, is denied. The remaining claims for service connection for a joint disorder and for arthritis as secondary to this joint disorder require further development before being decided on appeal.

Is dry eyes a VA disability?

The Board finds that an increased disability rating of 10 percent is warranted for the Veteran’s service-connected dry eye syndrome, based on the presence of active pathology, including dryness and blurred vision.