What is CCRH?

Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy (CCRH) is an apex research organization under Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India which undertakes, coordinates, develops, disseminates and promotes scientific research in Homoeopathy.

How do I join CCRH?

The Selection Procedure for CCRH Senior Research Fellow, Junior Research Fellow is Prelims Exam, Mains Exam and Interview. Candidates qualifying in the prelims exam will be eligible to appear for the mains exam.

Who introduced homeopathy in India?

Homoeopathy was first brought to India almost 200 years ago by German missionaries who distributed remedies in Bengal.

What are the side effects of homeopathic medicine?

Homeopathic remedies are considered to be well tolerated, although allergic reactions (like rashes) have been reported. Some people also find their symptoms become worse at the start of treatment. Interactions with other drugs haven’t been well studied, although they’re unlikely given the high dilution of the remedies.

What is the difference between homeopathic and allopathic?

The basic difference between Homeopathy and Allopathy is that the former is a modern form of medicine whereas the latter is an ancient form of medication. Candidates who have pursued Allopathy courses are legally not allowed to prescribe Homeopathic medications to their patients.

What is homeopathic preparation?

The preparation of homoeopathic medicines consists of repeated dilution and shaking called ‘potentisation’. Homeopaths believe this process renders the remedies capable of stimulating the body’s natural healing forces.

Can I give UPSC exam after BHMS?

Yes, you can. In order to become an IAS officer,you need to give the UPSC exam. Surely one can opt for UPSC that is civil service examinations after BHMS to pursue career in civil services. After homeopathy you can peruse UPSC and can serve in various administration departments depending upon the merit secured.

Who is father of homeopathy?

It was founded by Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843), who grew up in Meissen in Germany, received his medical degree in Erlangen in 1779, and died a millionaire in Paris in 1843. During his first fifteen years as a physician Hahnemann struggled desperately to make a living. One day, however, he made a discovery.