How fast does paddle plant grow?
How fast does paddle plant grow?
The Kalanchoe flapjack can grow up to about 30 inches when fully mature (this takes about 3-4 years) – that’s on the higher end. The height can be shorter; up to 12 inches with a spread of 18 inches. The leaves are fleshy (a characteristic of the larger Crassulaceae family), gray-green, and have a round shape.
Does paddle plant need full sun?
Outdoors, kalanchoe plants do well in full sunlight or light shade. Indoor plants perform best in bright light. However, avoid direct light during the summer months, as too much intense light may scorch the plant. Paddle plant prefers temperatures between 60 and 85 F.
Can paddle plant survive winter?
Temperatures of about 60° degrees Fahrenheit are ideal for these plants in winter. During the growing season, the plant tolerates temperatures between 60° and 85° degrees Fahrenheit. Paddle Plant is winter hardy in USDA hardiness zones 10 through 12.
How big does a paddle plant get?
Grows up to 1-2 ft. tall (30-60 cm) and 2-3 ft. wide (60-90 cm). This plant spreads by offsets.
Are paddle plants rare?
Kalanchoe luciae is not as rare, but its often mistaken for its far more rare relative, Kalanchoe thyrsiflora.
How do you care for a paddle plant?
Paddle Plant Care Tips It thrives in bright light to full sun year-round. Give the pot a quarter turn every week or so to expose all sides to sunlight. Although this succulent will tolerate low light for a while, its leaves may wilt. Water: Water thoroughly, then allow top 2 inches of soil to dry out between waterings.
How often should I water my paddle plant?
Water a paddle plant succulent whenever the top 2” or 3” (5 – 7.5 cm) of soil is completely dry. During the summer, you may only have to water a flapjack succulent every two weeks. In winter, keep watering to a minimum or don’t water it at all. Paddle plants are drought-tolerant succulents.
Why is my paddle plant dying?
Most likely what is causing the drooping leaves is lack of light; that and the pale color of the leaves is an indication that the plant needs brighter light with higher intensity – they can take full sun, which turns the leaves a beautiful reddish pink.
How do you take care of a paddle plant?
Is a paddle plant a jade?
Here paddle plant is combined with smaller-leaved jade plants. Virtues: Paddle plant is a quirky, unusual-looking succulent plant that is easy to grow in a pot. Its round, often colorful leaves lend interest whether it is potted alone or combined with spiky or smaller-leaved succulents and cacti.
Can you propagate paddle plant from leaf?
Kalanchoe luciae “Flapjack” or “Paddle Plant” can be propagated from leaves, cuttings, or offsets.
Does a paddle plant bloom?
The smooth, grayish-green, obovate leaves are 4-6” long, with blunt rounded tips and are covered with a white to grey powdery bloom that helps protect the leaves from sunburn. The paddle-shaped leaves of Kalanchoe luciae are edged with red or pink.