What is the meaning of overlapping triangles?
What is the meaning of overlapping triangles?
Triangles are three-sided figures made of three straight lines and three angles. When triangles overlap, it means that they cover some of the same area. More specifically, overlapping triangles are triangles that share at least part of a side or an angle.
What does triangle symbolize?
Triangles. Triangles have two meanings depending on their position. When pointing up, they represent stability and power, when pointing down they become unstable. The triangle is primarily a masculine shape, but when inverted it also represents female reproduction.
What does 3 overlapping triangles mean?
The Valknut Meaning The nine points of the triangle have been associated with the nine worlds of Norse mythology, and the three interconnected triangles have been said to reflect the connection between Earth, Heaven and Hell. The symbol has also been associated with ecstatic Seidr magic, of which Odin was a master.
What does double arrow tattoo mean?
Two Arrow Designs A tattoo design with two arrows pointing in opposite directions represents war or conflict. However, if the two arrows are crossed, the tattoo most likely represents truce and friendship.
What are two triangles together?
Two triangles are said to be similar if their corresponding angles are congruent and the corresponding sides are in proportion . In other words, similar triangles are the same shape, but not necessarily the same size. The triangles are congruent if, in addition to this, their corresponding sides are of equal length.
What does the inverted triangle symbolize?
What does the upside down triangle mean? Inverted triangles were used by the Nazis to classify prisoners during the Second World War. The upside down triangles were used as identifying badges, and were sewn into the uniforms of concentration camp prisoners.
What does a tattoo with 3 triangles mean?
The valknut tattoo may be the perfect minimalist design for you! Originating around the Middle Ages, this symbol featuring three interlocking triangles has been known to serve as an illustration for the afterlife, rebirth, and the concepts of continuity, order and undying will.
What is the Viking symbol for Valhalla?
Valknut – Norse Symbol of the Fallen Heroes As Odin was one to welcome the heroes slain in battle to Valhalla, many Viking tombs contained Odin-related figurines with the Valknut symbol drawn just beside them. This is how Valknut came to be known as Odin’s symbol. Of course, Valknut has a deeper meaning.
What is the triangle tattoo mean?
Triangle tattoos also symbolize wisdom, love, and connection The combination of thought and emotion supposedly opens the mind, making the triangle a very sacred symbol.