Can a watermelon grow in your stomach?

The old tale about a watermelon growing from a seed into a full-size fruit inside your belly is just a myth. The truth is that watermelon seeds — and other fruit seeds — will simply sail through your digestive system and be eliminated from your body over the course of a day or so.

What causes hollow watermelon?

Poor pollination is the primary reason causing hollowheart. Scientists were able to approve that seedless watermelons are more likely to develop hollowheart when the pollenizer plants (diploid watermelons) are located further away from the seedless plants.

What causes deformed watermelon?

The deformed shape could indicate that part of the melon is getting enough water and trying to develop normally and part of it is not. Water regularly so the melons do not undergo dry spells. Mulching can also help to conserve moisture.

Can watermelon make you sick?

Watermelon is a splendid source of dietary fiber and water. But, if you eat too much watermelon, it can cause bloating, gas, flatulence, diarrhea, and other such stomach troubles. This is majorly due to the presence of sorbitol, which is a sugar compound, and lycopene, which gives the fruit its bright red color.

Is it harmful to swallow watermelon seeds?

No need to worry, though! Experts say you should have zero fears — watermelon seeds are perfectly safe to eat. If you get a mouthful of seeds along with that sweet, juicy watermelon flesh, it’s totally fine. Of course they won’t taste like much, so if you want something a little more interesting keep reading.

Can seeds sprout in your stomach?

The possibility of seeds germinating and growing in the stomach is zero. While there have been rare cases of plants growing in the lungs, the stomach is much too harsh an environment for any seed to survive there.

Is it safe to eat hollow heart watermelon?

Hollow heart watermelon is totally fine to eat According to, internally cracked watermelons are safe to eat and may even taste sweeter than a regular watermelon since the melon’s sugars consolidate along the surface of the cracked flesh.

Is a hollow watermelon good?

A ripe watermelon should have a deep sound when you thump it with your hand or fist, somewhat resembling a tenor. If it has a hollow or flat sound, it’s likely overripe (6). Try tapping a watermelon with your hand or fist. A ripe one delivers a deep sound, whereas an overripe one sounds hollow or flat.

How do you treat watermelon disease?

Management: Because watermelon varieties and hybrids are all susceptible to powdery mildew, fungicide sprays are required to control this disease. Preventive spray programs with fungicides can be effective, but the fungus readily develops fungicide resistance, often within a single season.

Why are my watermelons not round?

If temperatures are low in your area, this may very possibly be the reason for small watermelons. Pests and disease – If you have small, misshapen fruit, the culprit might be an aphid infestation. The aphids act as vectors introducing the mosaic virus. Additional symptoms are small, mottled leaves and short vines.