Where is CPDLC mandatory?

Is CPDLC logon mandatory? The only place where it’s mandatory to log on is in MUAC-controlled airspace (provided you’ve got ATN CPDLC, that is). This is to alleviate the controllers from having to ask every single plane to log on. So if you’re flying through MUAC airspace: log on to EDYY.

Is CPDLC required in Pacific?

1 CPDLC/ADS-C OPTIONAL FOR COMMUNICATIONS AND SURVEILLANCE. Until further notice, use of CPDLC or ADS-C in FAA-controlled oceanic airspace is optional. CPDLC and ADS-C are NOT currently required for operation in any region with the exception of route L-888 in Western China over the Tibetan Plateau.

What is PM CPDLC?

The Protected Mode Controller Pilot Data Link Communication (PM-CPDLC) ATN application defines an alternative CPDLC protocol for use in air/ground applications that demand a stronger proof against mis-delivery than provided by Standard Mode CPDLC.

What frequency does CPDLC use?

118.000 to 136.975 MHz
CPDLC uses the VHF Data Link Mode 2 (VDL2) with the frequency band from 118.000 to 136.975 MHz, and a data rate of 31.5 kilobits [15].

What is the difference between ACARS and CPDLC?

CPDLC, as the name suggests, is for communication between pilots and Air Traffic Control, whereas ACARS is used for communication between pilots (and their aircraft) and their airline operations center, and also for general pilot operations (e.g. receiving weather reports).

Is CPDLC mandatory in Europe?

We use it as a secondary communications medium, complementing VHF voice communications, which remains the primary means for tactical communication. As of February 2020, CPDLC will be required to operate above FL285 in Europe.

What is Pacots?

The Pacific Organised Track System (PACOTS) is a flexible set of aircraft route tracks that primariliy link commercial air transport gateways of Japan and Southeast Asia and the gateways of Hawaii and the North American West Coast, as well as those in Texas.

What is Oakland Oceanic?

… Oakland Oceanic Flight Information Region (FIR) (or Center), which is shown in Fig. 1, controls approximately 21.3 million square miles of airspace and borders the Anchorage FIR to the north, the Tokyo FIR to the west, the Aukland FIR to the south, and the coastline of the contiguous United States on the east.

How many data authorities can connect to CPDLC?

You can only have one active CPDLC connection, think of it as your actual air traffic control contact. But you can have two connections, usually the active connection and the “next.” [ICAO Doc 10037, ¶1.2.

What’s the difference between ACARS and CPDLC?