What is Al Hirschfeld known for?

Al Hirschfeld, byname of Albert Hirschfeld, (born June 21, 1903, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S.—died January 20, 2003, New York, New York), American caricature artist, especially known for his drawings appearing in The New York Times, portraying show-business personalities.

What did Al Hirschfeld hide in his drawings?

In 1945, Hirschfeld celebrated the birth of his daughter, Nina, by placing her name in the background of a drawing. What the artist described as an innocent prank soon became a personal trademark and national obsession, as he began hiding numerous NINA’s throughout his drawings for years to come.

How many drawings did Al Hirschfeld make?

Nearly everyone felt that it was an honour to be an Al Hirschfeld caricature. It’s hard to calculate just how much work he produced in his lifetime (maybe ten thousand to twelve thousand works), yet in all that time, he rarely caused offence.

Is Al Hirschfeld still alive?

January 20, 2003Al Hirschfeld / Date of death

How is a caricature best defined?

(Entry 1 of 2) 1 : exaggeration by means of often ludicrous distortion of parts or characteristics drew a caricature of the president. 2 : a representation especially in literature or art that has the qualities of caricature His performance in the film was a caricature of a hard-boiled detective.

How old is Al Hirschfeld?

99 years (1903–2003)Al Hirschfeld / Age at death

Where was Al Hirschfeld born?

St. Louis, MOAl Hirschfeld / Place of birth

Why is caricature important?

With the ability to distil news and opinion into a caricature, cartoons present accessible and instant commentary and analysis of current affairs. Cartoons are a unique form of journalism which contrast with conventional forms of communication. The images can cast a powerful interpretation on the day’s news.

What is a caricature example?

When applied to writing, caricature means that the writer has exaggerated aspects of a person or subject to create humor. Examples of Caricature: Her eyes were lasers, boring a hole through me. Her ears were smoking, and her hair was on fire. Mom was mad.

How can you avoid excess inhalation of fumes from spray fixative?

If use of spray fixatives is occasional, you can use them outdoors with a NIOSH-approved respirator equipped with organic vapor cartridges and dust and mists filter for protection against inhalation of solvent vapors and particulates. An exhaust fan is also needed to remove organic vapors and particulates.

What is caricature art?

A caricature is a painting, or more usually drawing, of a person or thing in which the features and form have been distorted and exaggerated in order to mock or satirise the subject.