What is the best grass to mix with alfalfa?

Meadow fescue and orchardgrass This cool-season grass is a viable forage choice for alfalfa-grass mixtures. For lactating cow forage, the mixture of alfalfa with meadow fescue and tall fescue resulted in higher yields and higher-quality forage compared to alfalfa alone.

Is fescue a good horse hay?

Fescue infected with the endophyte Neotyphodium coenophialum produces chemicals toxic to horses. Infected pasture and hay is toxic for horses to eat. The toxic chemicals in the stems and leaf sheaths tend to peak in late June and decline as the seeds develop.

Does tall fescue make good hay?

In Pennsylvania, Tall fescue has been used primarily for conservation purposes but is well suited as hay, silage, or pasture. It is well adapted to the soil and weather conditions of Pennsylvania (Table 1).

Does fescue make good hay for cattle?

RIGHT TIME: Stored fescue hay is perfect feed for beef cattle in winter months as toxins are at a tolerable level. Toxins diminish in fescue feed as winter presses on. Winter feeding of forage to beef herds doesn’t rank high as a favored job for herd owners.

Can alfalfa be grown with grass?

Throughout the United States, a lot of alfalfa is grown with grass. This is sometimes done by design, but other times it occurs unintentionally. In some areas, grass is very well adapted. It is less prone to winter damage, although this past winter we found that grass, too, can die over winter.

What grows well with alfalfa?

Alfalfa often may be seeded with a companion crop like oats to control weeds and erosion and provide a crop of grain or hay. Clear seeding alfalfa alone, without a companion crop, also works well.

Which cut of hay is best for horses?

Mid- to late-maturity hays are best for horses with low nutrient requirements, because the horses can eat more to satisfy their appetites without overeating and becoming fat. Horse owners also ask whether first or second-cut hay is better. There is more variation within a cutting than between cuttings.

Can cows eat tall fescue?

Cattle tend to avoid consuming tall fescue, because it is a more course and fibrous forage. Animal gains tend to be lower on these fields but are a good source of forage for the beef cow herd. When cattle are turned out to graze a fescue mixed stand, the cattle will eat around the less palatable fescue.

How can I improve my fescue pasture?

In most cases, fescue toxicosis can be reduced or eliminated by management. This is done by increasing other grasses and legumes in the stand to reduce the intake of the toxic alkaloids. Another option is to use E+ tall fescue at times of the year when the animals are less affected by the endophyte alkaloids.

Does fescue make good silage?

Tall fescue is typically lower in crude protein than other grasses, except for timothy. However, its similar fiber concentration and quality making it suitable for dairy cow rations. That’s why it may be a good fit as a silage crop in a mixed stand with alfalfa.