How do I calculate my GPA on a 4.0 scale?

Colleges report GPA (grade point average) on a 4.0 scale. The top grade is an A, which equals 4.0. You calculate your overall GPA by averaging the scores of all your classes….Search for Colleges Using Your GPA.

Letter Grade Percent Grade 4.0 Scale
A 93-96 4.0
A- 90-92 3.7
B+ 87-89 3.3
B 83-86 3.0

What is a plus minus grading scale?

Use of Plus/Minus Grading The letter grades A, B, C, and D have the suffix plus (+) or minus (-) included to distinguish higher and lower performances within each of these letter grades.

How does the NCAA calculate GPA?

The NCAA Eligibility Center calculates GPAs using the 4.000 scale: A=4; B=3; C=2; D=1. To determine points earned for each course, multiply the numeric grade value (4, 3, 2 or 1) by the amount of credit earned. A semester is awarded 0.50 unit of credit and a trimester is awarded .

What is the easiest way to calculate GPA?

How to Calculate G.P.A.

  1. Multiply the point value of the letter grade by the number of credit hours. The result is the quality points earned.
  2. Total the credit hours for the term.
  3. Total the quality points for the term.
  4. Divide the total quality points by the total credit hours.
  5. The result is the G.P.A. for the term.

Is GPA on a 4.0 scale weighted or unweighted?

The traditional unweighted GPA scale ranges from 0 to 4.0, while the weighted scale spans from 0 to 5.0. Schools that use a weighted scale assign more points to honors and AP classes. For example, students who earn an A in AP Calculus would receive a 5.0 on a weighted scale and only a 4.0 on an unweighted scale.

How do I calculate my GPA on a 4.0 scale for high school?

Here are the steps for calculating unweighted high school GPAs:

  1. Assign each grade a number. Use the table and assign each of your grades to a corresponding number (A = 4.0).
  2. Add the numbers. Add the numbers of all of the grades together to come up with a total.
  3. Divide the numbers.
  4. Make note of the number.

What is 87.9 on a 4.0 scale?

How to Convert Your GPA to a 4.0 Scale

Letter Grade Percent Grade 4.0 Scale
A 93-96 4.0
A- 90-92 3.7
B+ 87-89 3.3
B 83-86 3.0

What is the average GPA of a d1 athlete?

Average high school GPA (in core academic classes) of entering Division I student-athletes: Men — 3.3 Women — 3.6 Sports with highest average GPAs = fencing, gymnastics, cross country, swimming/diving.

What is basketball GPA?

The NCAA Eligibility Center calculates your grade-point average (GPA) based on the grades you earn in NCAA-approved core courses. Only your best grades from the required number of NCAA core courses will be used.