How much is a Tomos moped cost?

MSRP: $1,749. Detroit Moped Works has partnered with PGI Moto to offer the brand new Tomos mopeds! Featuring bullet headlight and late 70’s decals.

Do they still make Tomos mopeds?

Tomos mopeds ceased production in 2013 but had a brief comeback, thanks in part to Tomos America, in 2017/2018. Tomos mopeds are also produced in Epe, the Netherlands, and have been since 1966.

Are Tomos mopeds reliable?

My ’03 Tomos has been totally reliable, and has never broken down in over 10,000 miles, with 2 exceptions. The oil injection which I removed, and the Sprint doesn’t have, and the fact that it was hit by a truck.

How fast do Tomos mopeds go?

It’s an automatic and has two gears with a top speed of about 28mph – which feels fast enough.

Where is Tomos motorcycles made?

The very next month, the name TOMOS (TOvarna MOtornih koles Sežana) appeared in the company documents for the first time. In October 1954, the Yugoslav government started to build the Tomos factory in Koper, the seaside industrial center of Slovenia, where it remains today.

When did Tomos stop making mopeds?

Tomos mopeds were sold in the U.S. from 1976 to 2014.

Is Tomos out of business?

Tomos went bankrupt on January 3, 2019.

How fast can a 50cc moped go?

What’s the top speed of a 50cc moped? Most 50cc scooters come with a restricted engine, which limits the bike to a top speed of 30mph (48kph). However, a 50cc scooter can go at speeds of up to 60mph (96kph), while most will comfortably reach 40mph (65kph).

How much horsepower does a Tomos moped have?

IT’S the vegan of motorbikes — lean, green and more than a little anemic. I’m talking about the moped, a humble, less-than-2-horsepower machine that cranks no more than 30 mph and weighs less than I do.

What is Greek Tomos?

“Tomos” is a Greek word; it can be literally translated as “a section”.