Where is the cardiophrenic lymph node located?

Cardiophrenic angle lymph nodes (CPLN), which are located behind the xiphoid process in the gap between the diaphragm and the heart, are an unusual site for metastases [1].

Where is the cardiophrenic angle located?

The cardiophrenic angle is the angle between the heart and the diaphragm, as seen on imaging (most commonly X-ray). There are two cardiophrenic angles, however the one on the right is obscured by the cardiohepatic angle (the angle between the heart and liver).

What is cardiophrenic angle lymph node?

Cardiophrenic angle lymph nodes, also known as anterior diaphragmatic lymph nodes, superior diaphragmatic nodes12, 22 or paracardiac lymph nodes,14, 23 are defined as soft tissue structures located in an area adjacent to the pericardium within 2 cm of the diaphragm.

Where are the mediastinal lymph nodes located?

Mediastinal lymph nodes are lymph nodes located in the mediastinum. The mediastinum is the area located between the lungs that contains the heart, esophagus, trachea, cardiac nerves, thymus gland, and lymph nodes of the central chest.

Where are retroperitoneal lymph nodes located?

Your retroperitoneal lymph nodes are found in the area between your kidneys along a vein (your vena cava) and an artery (your aorta) (see Figure 1). Your vena cava carries blood to your heart.

What is meant by cardiophrenic fat pad?

Pericardial fat pads are normal structures that lie in the cardiophrenic angle. They are adipose tissues surrounding the heart composed of the epicardial fat, which lies between the myocardium and visceral pericardium, and paracardial fat, which is adherent and external to the parietal pericardium.

How is cardiomegaly different from pericardial effusion?

On the lateral view there may be loss of retrosternal clear space . Another clue is the rapid change in heart size or presence of cardiomegaly without the radiographic findings of congestive heart failure (pulmonary edema, etc.) Posterior displacement of epicardial fat pad by effusion.

What is the significance of the cardiophrenic angle?

The right cardiophrenic angle is another location that suggests a more limited diagnosis (Chart 9.3). Fat collections in this location include an enlarged epicardial fat pad, lipoma, thymolipoma, or Morgagni hernia with mesenteric fat and are the most common causes of a mass in this area (Fig 9.8, A and B).

What is a mediastinal lymph node?

Mediastinal lymph nodes are lymph nodes located in the mediastinum. The mediastinum is the area located between the lungs that contains the heart, esophagus, trachea, cardiac nerves, thymus gland, and lymph nodes of the central chest. The enlargement of lymph nodes is referred to as lymphadenopathy. 1.

What causes enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes?

The initial clue to the presence of enlarged mediastinal lymph nodes is through thoracic imaging modalities. Malignancy (Lung cancer, lymphoma, and extrathoracic cancer) and granulomatous conditions (sarcoidosis and tuberculosis) are the most common causes.