What do you mean by tendril?
What do you mean by tendril?
Definition of tendril 1 : a leaf, stipule, or stem modified into a slender spirally coiling sensitive organ serving to attach a climbing plant to its support. 2 : something suggestive of a tendril creeping tendrils of fog.
What is tendrils in biology?
A tendril is a slender whiplike or threadlike strand, produced usually from the node of a stem, by which a vine or other plant may climb. Its anatomy may be of stem tissue or of leafstalk tissue.
What are tendrils Class 11?
Modification of stems into green wire like coiled leafless structures is called tendrils. Tendrils are aerial stem modification. They may be branched or unbranched. When they come in contact with a solid support they coil around it and hence help the plant in climbing.
What is a synonym for tendrils?
In this page you can discover 26 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for tendril, like: sprout, ringlet, offshoot, pendulous, hypocotyl, echinocystis, bine, kin, petiole, branchlets and frond.
What plant has tendrils?
Tendrils: Peas are a good example of a plant that uses tendrils to climb. Tendrils are skinny, wiry structures along the plant’s stem that actually reach around in the air until they come into contact with something they can grab.
What is tendrils in a sentence?
Tendrils sentence example. Practically the tendrils assist the plant in its native state to scramble over rocks or trees. She pulled her wet hair back into a braid at her neck and fluffed the loose tendrils at her temples into curls.
What are tendrils Class 9?
Tendrils are the thin, thread-like growths on the stems or leaves of climbing plants. The two types of tendrils are stem tendrils and leaf tendrils. The tendrils grow towards the things they happen to touch. This phenomenon is known as thigmotropism.
What is tendril 7th science?
Tendril is a modified stem, leaf, or petiole. Tendrils support the plant as it climbs up a structure, allow a plant find a more suitable area to grow due to more light.
Why do plants have tendrils?
Function of Tendril Their main function is to provide support to the plant as it climbs up a structure. By doing so they allow a plant to find a more suitable area to grow due to more light. When stems are modified into tendril they help plants to climb.
What is a antonym for tendrils?
Slender stem-like structure by which some twining plants attach themselves to an object for support. Antonyms. artifact. plant structure.
What is leaf tendrils?
Stem tendrils are branch modifications that help the plant to climb. Leaf tendrils are leaf or leaflet modifications that emerge from leaf nodes and usually support the stem. Slender and spirally coiled tendrils develop from the auxiliary bud. Entire or part of a leaf gets modified into a tendril.
What trees have tendrils?
Examples of Plants that Climb with Tendrils
- Passionflower (Passiflora)
- Grape (Vitis)
- Ampelopsis glandulosa.