What is Interaural intensity difference?
What is Interaural intensity difference?
Interaural intensity differences (IIDs) are the binaural cues that animals use to localize high frequency sounds (Erulkar, 1972; Irvine, 1992). In mammals, IIDs are first coded in the lateral superior olive (LSO).
How are Interaural time differences created?
Background. The interaural time difference is the time interval between when a sound enters one ear and when it enters the other ear. In principle, this is a rather straightforward concept. A sound coming to us from the left will enter our left ear a split second before it enters our right ear.
How does interaural level difference help us locate sound?
The interaural level difference is the difference in loudness and frequency distribution between the two ears. As sound travels, its strength dissipates. For example, if you are very close to a loud sound, it will sound loud to you. But if you are some distance from the same loud sound, it will not be as loud.
How do interaural time differences and interaural level differences help us locate sound sources?
Interaural Time Delays ITDs result because the ears are physically separated in space by the head. Therefore, the direction-dependent differences in path lengths that sound must travel to reach each ear from the source will generate different times of arrival of the sound at the two ears, or ITDs (Figure 1(b)).
Where is interaural time difference detected?
Across species, interaural time differences are detected by different mechanisms. The detection stage serves as a database for higher auditory areas. ITD representation is remodeled along the ascending auditory pathway. Across species, ITD is represented in few broadly tuned channels in the forebrain.
What is Interaural delay?
The Interaural Time Delay (ITD) is an important binaural cue for sound source localization. Calculations of ITD values are obtained either from measured time domain Head-Related Impulse Responses (HRIRs) or from their frequency transform Head-Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs).
What is interaural phase difference?
Interaural Phase Difference (IPD) refers to the difference in the phase of a wave that reaches each ear, and is dependent on the frequency of the sound wave and the interaural time differences (ITD). Imagine a 1000Hz tone that reaches the left ear 0.5ms before the right.